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Traducció - Italià-Anglès - luglio,agosto...settembre!

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Categoria Vida quotidiana

Enviat per marty92-74
Idioma orígen: Italià

le mie vacanze le ho trascorse in città. ad agosto sono andata in un piccolo villaggio qui in sicilia "torre macauda", molto divertente ma purtroppo ci sono stata solo una settimana. il resto delle mie vacanze le ho trascorse andando al mare con le mie amiche e con il mio ragazzo, ogni tanto siamo stati pure a ballare. purtroppo le vacanze sono finite!avrei voluto viaggiare di più.

july, august... september!

Traduït per Raruto
Idioma destí: Anglès

I spent my holidays in town. In August, I was in a small village here in Sicily "Torre Macauda", very funny but unfortunately, we stayed just one week there. I had the rest of my holidays at the seaside with my friends and my boyfriend, occasionally we went dancing. Unfortunately, the holidays are over! I would have liked to travel more.
Darrera validació o edició per lilian canale - 11 Octubre 2009 22:17

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11 Octubre 2009 22:17

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Before edits:
I had my holidays on the town. in august I was in a small village here in Sicily "torre macauda", very funny but unfortunately we stayed just one week there. I had the rest of my holidays at the seaside with my friends and my boyfriend, occasionally we went dancing. unfortunately the holidays are over ! I would have liked to travel more