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432 Langue de départ Citação de Einstein "O culto aos indivÃduos sempre é, em minha opinião, injustificado. Na verdade, a natureza distribui seus bens desigualmente entre seus filhos, mas, graças a Deus, há muitos bem dotados, e eu estou plenamente convencido de que eles levam vidas tranqüilas e discretas. A mim parece injusto e mesmo de mau gosto escolher alguns para admiração ilimitada, atribuindo a eles poderes sobre-humanos de mente e personalidade." Albert Einstein, após visitar os EEUU pela 1ª vez. Retirado do livro Viajando com o cérebro de Einstein, LEIA. English name of the book: THE BIZARRE ODYSSEY OF EINSTEIN'S BRAIN. Traductions terminées Einstein's Quotings Citation d'Einstein Citazione di Einstein Cita de Einstein Einstein'dan Alıntılar | |
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318 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. FROM THE DESK OF MR IBRHM KARIM BILL AND... FROM THE DESK OF MR IBRHM KARIM BILL AND EXCHANGE MANAGER BANK OF AFRICA OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FASO DEAR FRIEND, I KNOW THAT THIS MAIL WILL COME TO YOU AS A SURPRISE. I AM THE BILL AND EXCHANGE MANAGER IN BANK OF AFRICA .I HOPE THAT YOU WILL NOT EXPOSE OR BETRAY THIS TRUST AND CONFIDENT THAT I AM ABOUT TO REPOSE ON YOU FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT OF OUR BOTH FAMILIES. السلام عليكم جزاكم الله خيرا ارغب ترجمة هده الرسالة الى العربية بلهجة المغربية او السعودية ولكم الشكر الجزيل Traductions terminées من مكتب السيد إبراهيم كريم | |
307 Langue de départ Tatiana's Table Many years have passed since that time Tatiana made lazy cabbage for Alexander.
Yet it was still vivid in her mind: her grandmother's slightly hoarse quiet voice, the taking of the tram across the river, the waning afternoon, the ache in her limping, broken leg: but above all, the desire to make something for someone, for no other reason than to please him. Traductions terminées La tavola di Tatiana | |
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46 Langue de départ Spreuken 13:34 צְדָקָה תְרוֹמֵ×-גּוֹי; וְחֶסֶד לְ×Ö»×žÖ¼Ö´×™× ×—Ö·×˜Ö¼Ö¸×ת Het betreft een bijbeltekst waarin het woord goi (volk) voorkomt. De precieze vertaling is onduidelijk Traductions terminées Spreuken 13:34 | |