Langue d'arrivée: Anglais
The bid tendered to clean up the mines at the Nusaybin border crossing, has been canceled.
The Public Procurement Authority has halted the mine clearing bid at Mardin Special Provincial Administration's Nusaybin border crossing.
Tomorrow the PPA will make public its decision regarding to whom it will assign the bid.
The border crossing opening efforts started at Nusaybin in order to develop the Turkish-Syrian border have come to a grinding halt due to the Special Provincial Adminstration's tender which is non-compliant to the specifications.
One of the companies participating in the bid, made an appeal to the PPA requesting the application of the specifications of the bid tendered in accordance with Law nr 2565 on the military restricted areas and Law nr 4734 on the PPA 21 B.
The PPA which examined the appeal in its session of 14 February 2008, halted the bid.