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Texte d'origine - Anglais - 1. Fast work!

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1. Fast work!
Texte à traduire
Proposé par ミハイル
Langue de départ: Anglais

1. Fast work! Certainly a capitan's one.

2. They were fine this morning...

3. I don't want them to die before the doctor arrives here...
Commentaires pour la traduction
1.Subject of this phrase,Captain had already done a good job for children injured by gun bullets before speaker tried to do something for children.Captain called doctor from above.
Speaker said this phrase "Real capitain",means "I knew capitain did it".
2.Speaker(18 years old girl) saw Children(injured by gun bullets) playing soccer.They looks very fine.But now they are injured and are about to die...

If someone want to correct this phrase of english,i won't care.
Please feel free to do it!
Dernière édition par lilian canale - 18 Novembre 2008 15:19