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Texte d'origine - Latin - Suae quisque vitae pictor est; artifex hujus...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: LatinAnglais

Catégorie Phrase

Suae quisque vitae pictor est; artifex hujus...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par magicalpath
Langue de départ: Latin

Suae quisque vitae pictor est; artifex hujus operis est voluntas
Commentaires pour la traduction
This is a Latin phrase from the book "Strength of Will" by E. Boyd Barrett. He is talking about a young Jesuit, John Berchmans, and saying he was very dedicated towards any goal he set himself. "In him the maxim was verified to the fullest: 'Suae quisque vitae pictor est; artifex hujus operis est voluntas.'"
9 Mars 2009 23:01