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Traduction - Portuguais brésilien-Anglais - A relevância da motivação no aprendizado do...

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Catégorie Ecriture libre

A relevância da motivação no aprendizado do...
Proposé par Tatiana Padilha
Langue de départ: Portuguais brésilien

A relevância da motivação no aprendizado do inglês como segunda língua.


Agradeço essencialmente a Deus por ter me concebido força e entusiasmo para superar tantos obstáculos.Agradeço por ter me propiciado momentos prazerosos e pessoas admiráveis que muito me foram benévolos no alcance de mais este objetivo . Aos meus pais por fazerem parte da pessoas mais preciosas concebidas a mim
por Deus.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Gostaria de auxilio na tradução desse texto para o inglês americano (dos EUA).

The import of motivation in the ...

Traduit par Sweet Dreams
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

The import of motivation in the learning of English as a second language.


I thank essentially God for giving me strength and enthusiasm to overcome so many hurdles. I thank Him for providing me with delightful moments and remarkable people that were very benevolent helping me reach this further objective. I thank my parents as well, for being some of the most precious people given to me by God.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 26 Avril 2010 22:51

Derniers messages


26 Avril 2010 22:34

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Sweet Dreams,

Some corrections in order to make it sound more natural in English:

The import of motivation in the learning of English as a second language.


I thank essentially God for giving me strength and enthusiasm to overcome so many hurdles. I thank Him for providing me with delightful moments and remarkable people that were very benevolent helping me (-) reach this further objective. I thank my parents as well, for being some of the most precious people given to me by God.

26 Avril 2010 22:43

Sweet Dreams
Nombre de messages: 2202

26 Avril 2010 22:47

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
You forgot:
learning of English

26 Avril 2010 22:49

Sweet Dreams
Nombre de messages: 2202