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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Most people say that a family is very ...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: AnglaisUkrainien

Catégorie Vie quotidienne - Société / Gens / Politique

Most people say that a family is very ...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par ihor
Langue de départ: Anglais

Most people say that a family is very important for them. They like to repeat that families give them a sense of tradition, strength and purpose in their lives. "Our families show what we are", they say. Most parents teach their children to respect older people and observe holidays, but the most important thing for a family is to give emotional support and security. The right family values help boys and girls gain confidence and resist the influence of bad friends.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Dernière édition par ihor - 5 Octobre 2010 17:44

Derniers messages


5 Octobre 2010 16:06

Nombre de messages: 12396
Hello ihor! There are a faw things to edit in the text you submitted. Please could you edit these mistakes before your text can be translated?
I've set it in stand-by, waiting for these edits to be done.
Thank you, best regards,

Line 1 :
"...say what a family is very important..."
"...say that a family is very important...",

Line 2 :
"...teach tyeir children..."
"...teach their children..."

"...holidays. but the most important yhing..."
"...holidays. But the most important thing..."

5 Octobre 2010 16:08

Nombre de messages: 12396
Could one of you, dear experts in Russian, tell ihor what he's got to do in Russian or Ukrainian?

Thanks a lot!

CC: Siberia Sunnybebek ramarren

5 Octobre 2010 16:20

Nombre de messages: 611
Привет, ihor!

Я переведу для тебя сообщение администратора сайта.

Francky5591 написал:

"Привет, ihor! Необходимо исправить несколько вещей в тексте, который ты разместил. Не мог бы ты исправить эти ошибки перед тем, как твой текст будет переведен?
Я поместил его в "режим" ожидания до внесения исправлений".
Спасибо, с наилучшими пожеланиями

Строка 1:

"...say what a family is very important..."
"...say that a family is very important...",

Строка 2:
"...teach tyeir children..."
"...teach their children..."

"...holidays. but the most important yhing..."
"...holidays. But the most important thing..."

5 Octobre 2010 16:21

Nombre de messages: 12396
Thanks so much Siberia!

5 Octobre 2010 16:40

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi guys, there was also some punctuation to correct so...

Edited and released

5 Octobre 2010 19:02

Nombre de messages: 1
sorry but unfortunately I only realized that the 9 class should be taught English

5 Octobre 2010 19:23

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972

Sorry, I didn't get what you meant.

5 Octobre 2010 19:33

Nombre de messages: 611
I believe ihor regrets that he's not being taught English in school, that was what he understood from our messages (and not the actual meaning)