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645 Font-lingvo Ao Senhor Prefeito do municÃpio de Carceri IlustrÃssimo Senhor Prefeito do MunicÃpio de Carceri, Padova, Itália.
Com enorme satisfação escrevo-lhe pela razão que segue. Meu nome é (nome), sou brasileiro e descendente de (nome), cidadão italiano, nascido nesse municÃpio na data de (data), imigrante italiano no Brasil em (data). Peço-lhe gentilmente que me envie a certidão de nascimento como também a certidão de casamento dele com a Sra. (nome), haja vista que necessito dessa documentação inicial para requerer a cidadania italiana. Sinto que, com isso, tenho a oportunidade de preservar minhas origens e conhecer um pouco mais da história dos meus bisavós. Carceri será certamente um dos lugares que pretendo conhecer na Itália.
Certo de que obterei breve resposta, aproveito para manifestar minha elevada estima e consideração. Trata-se de uma carta ao "Comune" italiano para pedido de certidão de nascimento e casamento de descendente italiano.
O idioma alvo "inglês" foi escolhido para ajudar como ponte para a tradução para o idioma de interesse, no caso, o italiano. Kompletaj tradukoj Honorable Lord Mayor of... | |
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356 Font-lingvo Traditionally, the interaction between a citizen... Traditionally, the interaction between a citizen or business and a government agency took place in a government office. With emerging information and communication technologies, it is possible to locate service centers closer to the clients. Such centers may consist of an unattended kiosk in the government agency, a service kiosk located close to the client, or the use of a personal computer in the home or office. konu e-devlet ile ilgili. Kompletaj tradukoj Geleneksel olarak vatandaÅŸ veya iÅŸletme... | |
243 Font-lingvo Würfel-App Würfel
Diese App simuliert Ihre Spielwürfel. Einfach gehalten und leicht zu bedienen.
Diese App simuliert Ihre Spielwürfel. Sie können einen, zwei, drei, vier, fünf oder mehr Würfel anzeigen und durch berühren des Bildschirms neu würfeln. Diese App ist sehr einfach gehalten und zeigt einfach nur die Würfel an. Es handelt sich hier um den Beschreibungstext einer App. Die erste Zeile ist der Name der App, die zweite Zeile eine Kurzbeschreibung, die maximal 80 Zeichen lang sein darf, die dritte Zeile ist eine etwas längere Beschreibung ohne Zeichenbeschränkung. Kompletaj tradukoj Zarlar | |
270 Font-lingvo Into the storm Richard Armitage has been discussing what we can expect from the newly retitled Into The Storm and has hinted at some possible twists and turns in the series’ concluding instalment.
There’s a couple of big surprises,†teases Armitage, before going on to enthuse, “I think it will probably be quite a cinematic event Into The Storm bir film ismi Kompletaj tradukoj Into The Storm | |
380 Font-lingvo mesalamin analizinde doğruluk Accuracy To check accuracy of the method, recovery studies were carried out by mixing standard drug solution to pre analyzed sample solution at three different levels 50%, 100% and 150%. Basic concentration of sample chosen was 20μg/ml of Mesalamine bulk drug solution to which 40and 60 μg/ml of Mesalamine tablet solution was added. These solutions were injected in stabilized chromatographic conditions in triplicate to obtain the chromatograms. Kompletaj tradukoj Doğruluk | |
399 Font-lingvo Ĉi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo". Going with the assumption these boys are not... Going with the assumption these boys are not twins, it is very plausible that Charles got sent to live with his biological father after being blamed for Ali’s injury. Mrs D had an affair with Bethany Young’s father, and I believe this is who Charles’ biological father is, and how Bethany is of any relevance. We know Wren’s father suffered metal health issues, and we know Bethany Young was a Radley patient; could this connect the two? MHI can be hereditary after all. Merhaba, bir dizi hakkında bir teori metni bu, sadece anlamlarıyla çevirirseniz sevinirim. Paragraflar olarak ayrılmıştır. Benim için çok önemli, teÅŸekkürler. Kompletaj tradukoj Bir varsayım yaparsak | |
668 Font-lingvo Cat in the Rain ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘under the table.’ Then, ‘Oh, I wanted it so much. I wanted a kitty.’ When she talked English the maid’s face tightened. ‘Come, Signora,’ she said. ‘We must go back inside. You will be wet.’ ‘I suppose so,’ said the American girl. They went back along the gravel path and passed in the door. The maid stayed outside to close the umbrella. As the American girl passed the office, the padrone* bowed from his desk. Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time really important. She had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance. She went on up the stairs. She opened the door of the room. George was on the bed, reading. ‘Did you get the cat?’ he asked, putting the book down. ‘It was gone.’ Kompletaj tradukoj Yağmur Altında Kedi | |
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