dragi brate,kako si? kadides u vil? Zvala sam Ambasadu,u redu je sve,moram zakazati razgovor za april mjesec. sada zakazuju za januar, pa ih moram zvati ponovo za 1 ili 2 mjeseca. nadam se da ce sve biti u redu,da cu doci u francausku,sve vas vidjeti. vidjeti gdje zivite i ostvariti svoj san kao i moj tata prije 90 godina. ovaj tekst mi je dug i tesak da ga pisem na francuskom jesiku,zato nadji nekog da ti prevede. pozdrav od svih. tvo ja sestra
Mon cher frère comment vas-tu? Quand viens tu à Vil?...
Bridge from Roller Coaster :
My dear brother how are you?
When are you going to Vil?
I called the embassy, it's ok, I need to schedule the interview for April. Now they are making arrangements for January, so I have to call again in a month or two. I hope everything will be fine and that I'll come to France to see you all. To see where you live and to make true my dream as my father did 90 years ago. This text is long and complicated for me to write in French, so find someone to translate it for you.
Everyone is saying hello.
Your sister.