lectio multorum voluminum, et omnis generis auctorum, habet aliquid vagum et instabile: certis ingeniis immorari et innutriri oportet, si velis aliquid trahere, quod in animo fideliter sedeat. senec, I, Epist, 2
The lecture of many volumes and of all kinds of writers, has something doubtful and unstable: you ought to spend time and be nourished by confirmed talents, if you want to extract (learn) from them something which will remain close to your soul.
Laste validigita aŭ redaktita de dramati - 30 Januaro 2008 22:55
He ment author, I believe.
"The lecture of many volums and of all kind of writers has something doubtful and unstable: you ought to spend time and to be nourished by confirmed talents, if you want to extract (learn)from them something which will remain close to your soul".
I hope I didn't increse the confuse tone. There are some mistakes in the original and I will edit them and also there are some uncertain words.
I don'tunderstand why this text was accepted. The English is almost unreadable. In it's present form it will be extremely difficult to translate it into French.
The lecture of many volumes and of all kinds of writers, has something doubtful and unstable: you ought to spend time and be nourished by confirmed talents, if you want to extract (learn) from them something which will remain close to your soul.
by charisgre who also thinks there were some mistakes in the original...so it may be a problem with the original and in that case, we should go back to the LATIN make changes and start over.