Oh Warrior Being! Of the red dawn, Of the precise convergence. Why do you walk together With the pain of your soul? A misunderstood pain! Oh Warrior Being! Going this path You will destroy dreams, Wipe out lives. Through a futile And brute feeling. Because in the end Everything will collapse Even your pain!
Ultima convalida o modifica di Francky5591 - 29 Novembre 2009 00:40
Oh Warrior Being! Of the red dawn Of the precise convergence Why do you walk together With the pain of your soul? A misunderstood pain! Oh Warrior Being! In this path You will destroy dreams You will annihilate lives Through a futile and brute feeling Because in the end Everything will fall Even your pain!
Thanks for your input Cláudio Manoel, but please, next time just post what you think may be improved instead of copy/pasting the whole text with minor changes. Just pointing out those changes would be enough to make it easier for the expert to evaluate.
Going this path ---> In this path
Wipe out lives ---> You will annihilate lives
Everything will collapse ---> Everything will fall
BTW...Why did you request this translation if you think you are able to do it better?
I apologize Lilian. I didn't want to be better or something similar. I made those small alterations because the epic poem and due to that I think some words can have a strong translation, what is typical of epic poems. In fact, I was very busy in the last days to do my own translation. Next time I put two versions. My excuses again.