"Have you seen Istambul?" "Avez-vous vu Istanbul?"

Any information that goes with the edit will be welcome, as one of the many things I like with cucumis, is to be told a bit about the different languages we got here.
I submitted the remark in order to better understand (which is an euphemism talking about my Turkish!)

to the same translator, into French, and here is what I got :
"Je vais aller en Espagne dans un proche avenir me t-shirts pour annoncer bastıracağım.Tişörtümdede İstanbul'umuzun être une traduction istiyorum.O très bonne pourquoi ne gerekiyor.Reklam derken être humilié Executives." :-)))
translation into English is a bit clearer though
"I will go to Spain in the near future myself t-shirts to advertise bastıracağım.Tişörtümdede İstanbul'umuzun be a very good translation istiyorum.O why do gerekiyor.Reklam derken being humiliated Executives." :-)))
(You gotta help google translator girls!)
I'm always using it when in a hurry, and in doubt I always ask, this is my task, everyday; It uses to ask me whether I can provide a better translation, but I only do it for French.
For an admin it still is a helpful tool, I guess they miss a lot of words in their database for Turkish, it's just too bad as Turkish is very spoken here. This is a difficult language to me, especially because syntax is so different.