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Source language
Danish lykken
De skal ikke vinde, det skal jeg og når jeg har vundet er gevinsten lykke - oprigtig lykke, uden at være bundet op på krav og forventninger til mig, bare lykke.

Completed translations
Latin Non illi vincent, sed ego.
Source language
Turkish Adam mı bulduk
Dostlarım başım gözüm üstüne
Ağlamıyorum ne geçmişe ne düne
Bana yar sormayın olmadı
O istemediÄŸimin bile
Yeri daha dolmadı

Adam mı bulduk da sevmedik
Canımızı verdik herkese
Gönlümüzümü verseydik
Kadir kıymet bilmeze

Completed translations
English Nobody, No love..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian я из казани
я из казани

Completed translations
Turkish kazanlıyım
Source language
Bosnian Dragi Allahu, pomozi me.
Dragi Allahu, pomozi me.
Edited by maki_sindja.
Before edit:
"dragu allahu pomozime"

Completed translations
Turkish Aziz Allah'ım
Source language
French Aimer, c'est facile, Mais le plus difficile,...
Aimer, c'est facile,
Mais le plus difficile,
C'est de se faire aimer par celui qu'on aime!

Completed translations
Portuguese Amar é fácil
Italian Amare è facile
Source language
English Pet related
Unfortunately he is not playing. He clearly attacks her. At the beginning they got along very well, but then one day all of a sudden he attacked her. He viciously attacks her each time they meet.
male speaking

Completed translations
Russian Про питомцев
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Στην αγκαλιά σου κράτησε με
Στην αγκαλιά σου κράτησε με και στο όνειρο ταξίδεψε με...τελειώνει ο χρόνος, φίλησε με...
b.e.:stin agkalia sou kratiseme..k sto oneiro taksidepseme..teleiwnei o xronos filiseme..

Completed translations
English Στην αγκαλιά σου κράτησε με - hold me in your arms
Bulgarian Прегърни ме и ме отведи...
Serbian drzi me u svojim rukama
Source language
English The Freikorps are revolutionaries driven by the...
The Freikorps are revolutionaries driven by the radical new ideology of fascism. Labouring under the dogmas of violence and mass action, these battle-trained revolutionaries will stop at nothing to overthrow old monarchies and young democracies alike, and replace them all with the absolutes of the Leviathan fascist state.

Completed translations
Turkish Freikorps
Source language
Dutch Music Review
'A Satire on Hell' is daarvan een goed voorbeeld en een van mijn favoriete tracks. Maar wellicht is er in Iran nooit iets doorgedron- gen van The Enid, dat sluit ik niet uit, dus dit 'hineininterpretieren' is geheel voor mijn rekening.
'A Satire on Hell' is name of a song.
The Enid is the name of a music band.

Completed translations
English music review
Source language
Danish Vejen er ikke altid lige mod målet
Vejen er ikke altid lige mod målet
Til en tatto

Completed translations
Latin Via non semper ad propositum directa est.
Source language
Latin Non est hic aliud nisi domus Dei et ...
Non est hic aliud nisi domus Dei et porta Coeli.

es una incripción de la entrada de la catedral de Coyoacan (no tienen espacios entre palabras)

Completed translations
English This is none other
Spanish La casa de Diós
Source language
Bulgarian Когато ситуацията изглежда безнадеждна, просто...
Когато ситуацията изглежда безнадеждна, просто сменяш тактиката.

Completed translations
Italian quando...
Spanish Estrategia
Portuguese Estratégia
Source language
Polish "pokochaj demony w sobie";"pokochaj swój ból"
"pokochaj demony w sobie";"pokochaj swój ból"
Bardzo proszę o tłumaczenie na łacinę:D

Completed translations
Latin Daemona in te ama...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish "jag och min skål"!! hon vill inte ha någon...
"jag och min skål"!!
hon vill inte ha någon annan, har försökt!!!:)

Completed translations
English I and my toast!!! She did not want ...
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese Aquele que honra a si mesmo e ao próximo nunca...
Aquele que honra a si mesmo e ao próximo nunca estará só

Completed translations
Italian Colui che rispetta
Latin Qui se ipsum et ceteros colit
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