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ترجمة - إيطاليّ -انجليزي - 4 bellissimi anni

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: إيطاليّ انجليزي

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4 bellissimi anni
إقترحت من طرف dandicas
لغة مصدر: إيطاليّ

Caro Rudolf, sono le 2 di notte mentre ti sto scrivendo e sono sinceramente molto triste all’idea che da domani noi 4 non potremmo più essere svegliati dal tuo sorriso inconfondibile. Ricordati che in questi 4 anni per me e mia moglie sei stato come un figlio e per Arturo e Giacomo come un fratello maggiore ed un inseparabile compagno di giochi. Ti auguriamo a te e a Joselin tutta la felicità e la fortuna possibile, la meriti sinceramente e non scordarti che la nostra casa sarà per te sempre anche la tua.
Con tanto tanto affetto

4 beautiful years

ترجمت من طرف Diego_Kovags
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

Dear Rudolf, it's 2 a.m. while I'm writing and I'm honestly very sad about the idea that tomorrow we 4 won't be able to wake up with your unmistakable smile anymore. Remember that in these 4 years for me and my wife you have been like a son and for Arturo and Giacomo like an elder brother and an inseparable partner in games. We wish you and Joselin all the possible happiness and luck, you deserve them honestly, and don't forget that our house will always be to you like your own.
With so much affection.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف lilian canale - 20 أفريل 2008 16:53

آخر رسائل


20 أفريل 2008 05:23

lilian canale
عدد الرسائل: 14972
Hi Diego, I've made some adjustments and set a poll.

Before edition:

Dear Rudolf, it's 2 a.m. while I'm writing and I'm honestly very sad about the idea that tomorrow we 4 won't be able anymore to wake up with this unmistakable smile. Remember that in these 4 years for me and my wife you were like a son and for Arturo and Giacomo like an elder brother and an inseparable partner of games. We wish for you and for Joselin all the possible happiness and luck, the sincere merits, and don't forget that our house will always be yours.
With so much affection.

Also I'm in doubt about the meaning of that "svegliare". I think that it is used here as "animare" "stimolare" in any of those cases instead of translating it as:"wake up" I think it should be understood as "cheer up, liven up, please" or any other similar verb.
See what I mean? We can wake up with a loud laugh, but a smile is soundless. Anyway, the poll will help on that, OK?.