ترجمة - تركي-انجليزي - Hayatın en güzel Anıحالة جارية ترجمة
صنف جملة  تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط". | | | لغة مصدر: تركي
Hayatın en güzel Anı; Herşeyden vazgeçtiğimiz zaman bizi hayata bağlayan biri olduğunu düşündüğümüz andır...!! | | traducction to spanish and american english |
| The best moment of life is the moment... | | لغة الهدف: انجليزي
The best moment of life is the moment we think there is someone clinging us to life when we give up everything...!!! |
آخر رسائل | | | | | 10 أذار 2009 18:49 | | | THE bEST mOMENT OF lIFE IS THE mOMENT WE tHINK tHERE IS sOMEONE cLINGING uS TO LIFE wHEN WE gIVE UP eVERYTHING...!!! |