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ترجمة - روسيّ -انجليزي - Энергетический потенциал

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: روسيّ انجليزي

صنف جملة - علم

Энергетический потенциал
إقترحت من طرف annikit
لغة مصدر: روسيّ

Рассчитать относительный энергетический потенциал каждого технологического блока.

Calculate the relative energy ...

ترجمت من طرف Bendek
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

Calculate the relative energy potential of each technical unit.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف lilian canale - 30 آب 2012 11:40

آخر رسائل


28 آب 2012 17:00

Lev van Pelt
عدد الرسائل: 313

I ignore the Russian language, but reading the English translation, a reasonable doubt comes to my mind:
Are you sure that "relative energetic potential" is right?
Could be…; but sounds rather strange to my ears. In science and engineering it is much more usual to speak about (and to calculate) "relative potential energy".
Best Regards!

28 آب 2012 17:35

Lev van Pelt
عدد الرسائل: 313

Hello again!

The more I think, the more I'm sure that this has to be "potential energy". The other way sounds too awkward and unspecific; and this sentence seems to belong to a question or exercise from a textbook.
(Perhaps, you ought to check this point with the requester.)

CC: lilian canale

29 آب 2012 09:24

عدد الرسائل: 10
can be potential of the energy or simple energy potential. This ever better and the most accurate.

In Russian language there is a rule in grammar that allows you to make adjective with same spelling (as adjective describing sb or sth) when something belongs to somebody or something.

Энергетический = energetic (f.e. person)
and second meaning
Энергетический = belonging to energy, of energy, coming from energy

In this translation ctually the second meaning is correct, and you are right about it but its not potential energy but energy potential

30 آب 2012 06:51

Lev van Pelt
عدد الرسائل: 313
OK, Bendek

But had I read “energy potential” as you write now, I had not suspected a mistake.
What puzzled me was to read “energetic potential”, which is not a frequent expression.
Science and technology have their specific terms for specific concepts (so, perhaps, you should change this word).

2 أيلول 2012 04:43

عدد الرسائل: 10
its fixed but in title it is an energetic potential. I have no tools to change this so if an admin will do, I will have nothing against. Because I see it fits better