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11ترجمة - مَجَرِيّ-انجليزي - Most mi ez a nÅ‘i egyenlÅ‘ség dolog? Férfi...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: مَجَرِيّانجليزيلتواني

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تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
Most mi ez a női egyenlőség dolog? Férfi...
إقترحت من طرف Laurar
لغة مصدر: مَجَرِيّ

Most mi ez a női egyenlőség dolog? Férfi egyenlőséget akarok. Nekem az irodában kétezer fokban is kötelező az ing szabvány egyennadrág, fekete cipő. A csajok köldökig dekoltázs, neccharisnya, miniszoknya, tűsarkú, és egyéb rafinált cuccokban azt mutatnak amit nem szégyellnek. Egyrészt nincs melegük, másrészt elvonják a figyelmet a munkáról. Vagy én is bejöhetek a tökvakarós rövidnacimban egyszál pólóban, vagy ők is szívjanak kosztümben. Előbbit preferálnám.

So, what´s this....

ترجمت من طرف Cisa
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

So, what´s this female equality thing? I want male equality! I have to wear a standard shirt, trousers, black shoes even when temperature is 2000 degrees in the office. The chicks: decollete till their navel, mini skirts, net tights, spike heels and other eye-catching stuff they are not ashamed of. Firstly, they don´t sizzle, secondly, they distract the attention from work. Either I could also come in dressed in my dick-scratching shorts and T-shirt or they should suffer in suits. I would prefer the first option.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف kafetzou - 15 تموز 2007 04:43

آخر رسائل


6 تموز 2007 06:23

عدد الرسائل: 7963
temperature --> the temperature
decollette --> decollete
rafinated --> ??
they don't sizzle --> ??
dick-scratchy --> ??
suck in costumes --> ??
the first one --> the former

14 تموز 2007 04:08

عدد الرسائل: 7963
I changed "costumes" to "suits" - now what's "rafinated"? Do you mean "fancy"?

14 تموز 2007 12:47

عدد الرسائل: 12396
I think it is "delicate" (meaning of "rafinated" here...)

14 تموز 2007 15:16

عدد الرسائل: 7963
I don't think so - "decollete till their navel, mini skirts, net tights, spike heels" are not exactly delicate.

But I would like cisa to answer, if possible.

14 تموز 2007 17:20

عدد الرسائل: 765
Hi! Rafinált means ´devicious, malicious, shrewd´. When about clothes, in Hungarian you say rafinált about clothes which are not so ´shouting´, but really eye-catching. I´ve replaced rafinated with ´hip´, according to some dictionary search. I hope that will be Ok. :-)

14 تموز 2007 17:33

عدد الرسائل: 7963
I don't think so. "devicious" doesn't exist in English, but "malicious" and "shrewd" are both fairly negative in feeling, and "hip" is quite positive. How about "naughty" or "mischievous"?

Or better yet, what about your own suggestion of "eye-catching"?

14 تموز 2007 19:19

عدد الرسائل: 765
Yes, maybe that would be the best. Anyway, I´m very surprised that a native speaker of English does not know about such words, because I´ve found them in the most widely used online HU-ENG dictionary, which I often use just look up some word quickly when I´m doing something on my PC... Now I know I should not rely on them that much.... OK, thanks for your notes!:-)