Molitva, kao žar na mojim usnama je, molitva, mesto reÄi samo ime tvoje. (I) Nebo zna, kao ja, koliko puta sam ponovila, to nebo zna, baÅ¡ kao ja, da je ime tvoje moja jedina molitva.
A prayer, like a fire on my lips, a prayer, instead of words only your name. (I) The sky knows, as I do, how many times I've repeated, the sky knows, as I do, that your name is my only prayer.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
Please note that meaning of this song is lost in translations. Hence, song in English has completely different lyrics from the original version written in Serbian.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف samanthalee - 1 ايار 2007 01:58