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번역 - 터키어-영어 - Erbil’ in yanlışlığı sadece çalışanların yaptığı...

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Erbil’ in yanlışlığı sadece çalışanların yaptığı...
jalebilen에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 터키어

Erbil’ in yanlışlığı sadece çalışanların yaptığı işi önemsemiş sadece onlar ne kadar iş yaparsa şirketinin o kadar yükseleceğini ve yükseldiği kadar da para kazanılacağını düşünmüştür . Çalışanların arasındaki gelir dağılımını ve gelirler arasındaki eşitsizlik ile ilgili hiç önlem almamıştır sadece onun için önemli olan beklenti. Ücretlendirme sanki devlet memurluğu sistemi gibi düşünülmüş işini yapsın yapmasın ücretini alıyor.

Where Erbil is wrong

kafetzou에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Where Erbil is wrong is in only giving importance to the work done by the employees and in thinking that the company will only rise as far as the amount of work they put into it, and that the amount of money earned will be in accordance with the amount the company has risen. He has taken no steps regarding the distribution of income among the workers and the inequality among their incomes - the only thing that is important to him is his expectations. The salary system seems to have been designed like the public civil service system - whether one does his work or not, he gets his salary.
dramati에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 1월 17일 13:52

마지막 글


2008년 1월 14일 08:21

게시물 갯수: 972
"and that only as much money will be earned as it has risen." This could be phrased better and more clearly in English.

public civil servant system = public civil service system

2008년 1월 16일 17:21

게시물 갯수: 972
How about making a few changes?

2008년 1월 17일 06:19

게시물 갯수: 7963
I don't know why I'm not on the notifications list, but I didn't receive any notice that you had written these messages.

Whenever you want to make sure that a translator or an expert gets notified of a message that you write under a translation, check the notifications list under your comment before you send it, and put a check mark by the name of the person you want to notify. That's the system I've been trying to get you to use. Do you understand now?

2008년 1월 17일 06:23

게시물 갯수: 7963
I hope this edit works - to be honest I'm still not thrilled with it, and I'd be open to any suggestions on your part.

2008년 1월 17일 06:36

게시물 갯수: 972
I don't are really great in both English and Turkish...maybe it could be polished a little bit more, like this:

Where Erbil is wrong is in only giving importance to the work done by the workers(employees) and in thinking that the company will only rise as far as the amount they work(of work they put into it), and that the amount of money earned will be (in accordance with)according to the amount the company has risen.
He has taken no steps regarding the distribution of income among the workers and the inequality among the (their) incomes - the only thing that is important to him is his expectations. The salary system seems to have been conceived (from the public civil service system)of like the public civil service system - whether the worker does his work or not, he gets his salary.

The stuff inside the ( ) is a possible suggestion. But still, as it is, it stands on its own.

CC: kafetzou

2008년 1월 17일 07:15

게시물 갯수: 7963
Yay - you did it! I'll make some of the changes you suggest.

2008년 1월 17일 07:29

게시물 갯수: 7963
What do you think of it now?

2008년 1월 17일 08:34

게시물 갯수: 972
Wonderful. But you always are. I love your writing style.