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번역 - 터키어-영어 - OSS Son 6 yılda Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı'na katılan...

현재 상황번역
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분류 사고들 - 교육

OSS Son 6 yılda Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı'na katılan...
simge35에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 터키어

Son 6 yılda Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı'na katılan 11 bin 170 lise birincisi açıkta kaldı. Bu nasıl bir eğitim sistemi, nasıl bir lise düzeyi ki, "birincisi" bile açıkta kalıyor.
Geçen yılki sınavda açıkta kalan "lise birincisi" öğrenci sayısı 2 bin 131'di. ÖSS istatistikleri bu oranın yıllardır sürekli arttığını söylüyor; demek ki her yıl bir başka "reform" yapılmasına rağmen, adaletsizlik büyüyor.
2000'de 366 liseden tek bir öğrenci bile ÖSS'yi kazanamadı

In the past 6 years

Tzicu-Sem에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

In the past 6 years, 11,170 top students who completed their high school education, and attended the Student Selection Exam have been deprived of university environment. What kind of educational system and high school education level are these, where even the most successful students are left out?
In the last year's exam, 2,131 of the most successful students in their high schools were left out. OSS statistics show that this ratio increases every year, which means the injustice is growing, despite the several reforms that happen every year.
In year 2000 not a single student out of 366 high schools was able to enroll at a university.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
OSS = Student Selection Exam
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 12월 12일 12:33

마지막 글


2008년 12월 10일 21:19

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
I've made a few adjustments, please tell me if any of them does not convey the original, OK?

2008년 12월 10일 21:24

게시물 갯수: 493

I'm sorry, but where can I view the adjustments you made?
Thank you,


2008년 12월 10일 21:31

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
In the translation itself! I've edited it with the corrections.

before edition:
In the past 6 years, 11,170 highschool students who have completed their highschool education, and have attended the Student Selection Exam have been deprived of university environment.What kind of educational system and highschool education level are these, where even the most successful students are left out?
In the last year's exam, 2,131 most successful students of their highschools were left out. OSS statistics show that this ratio increases every year, which means the injustice is growing, inspite of the different reforms taking place every year.
In year 2000 not even one student out of 366 highschools was able to enroll at a university.

2008년 12월 11일 16:16

게시물 갯수: 3769
Dear Tzicu-Sem,
Do you know Turkish?

in first line ,"lise birincisi" is missing and it is very important in text.

"who completed their high school education," is to much.

11,170....> 11170
2,131.....> 2131

2008년 12월 11일 16:17

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
How do you think that line should be merdogan?

The numbers are correct, though.

CC: merdogan

2008년 12월 11일 17:05

게시물 갯수: 3769
I think ,

......11170 head of the high school students attended the Student Selection Exam have been deprived of university environment


In the past 6 years, 11170 students who completed their high school education on the first place, and attended the Student Selection Exam have been deprived of university environment

2008년 12월 11일 17:16

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
What about this ?

"In the past 6 years, 11,170 top students who completed their high school education and attended the Student Selection Exam have been deprived of university environment."

CC: merdogan

2008년 12월 11일 17:34

게시물 갯수: 3769
"top students" is ok. Because this kind of students can choose direct their university after Student Selection Exam.

But I don't think same for comma between the numerals. Perhaps it can be 11 170.
As I know if we use "," between the numerals it means a decimal number.

2008년 12월 11일 17:49

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
In English we write the numbers that way merdogan.

Have a look at the numbers on the right.

Thanks for your input.