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번역 - 네덜란드어-폴란드어 - Het gebouw heeft de volgende afmetingen: 150 m...

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Het gebouw heeft de volgende afmetingen: 150 m...
kspoiw에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 네덜란드어

Het gebouw heeft de volgende afmetingen: 150 m bij 81 - 146 m.

Deze opslag voor ventilatie zal gebruikt gaan worden voor ong. 5.070 ton aardappelen in kisten.
En voor ong. 4.635 ton uien in kisten.

Tolsma Mixluchtunit

Tolsma Mixluchtunits zijn speciaal ontwikkeld voor de ventilatie van agrarische producten in kisten en zakken. Het unieke van deze mixluchtunit is dat door het mengen van buiten- en binnenlucht, de ingeblazen lucht automatisch exact op de gewenste temperatuur gebracht wordt.

Budynek posiada nastepujÄ…ce wymiary: 150 m...

szeherezada45에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 폴란드어

Budynek posiada następujące wymiary: 150 na 81 do 146 m.

To pomieszczenie wentylacyjne będzie wykorzystywane do przechowywania około 5.070 ton ziemniaków w skrzynkach.
I około 4.635 ton cebuli w skrzynkach.

Tolsma Agregat mieszanego powietrza

Tolsma agregaty mieszanego powietrza są specjalnie przeznaczone do wentylacji produktów rolnych w skrzynkach i torbach. Unikalnością tego agregatu mieszanego powietrza jest, że poprzez zmieszanie powietrza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego, wdmuchiwane powietrze posiada automatycznie pożądaną temperaturę.
Edyta223에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 12월 11일 10:38

마지막 글


2009년 11월 16일 09:09

게시물 갯수: 787
Hi Lein!
Could you please give me a bridge here

CC: Lein

2009년 11월 16일 13:15

게시물 갯수: 3389
Sure! (hey! how exciting! A polish translation that is not about taxes or child benefits! )

The building has the following dimensions: 150m x 81 – 146m.
This storage (space) for ventilation will be used for approximately 5070 tonnes of potatoes in boxes (crates). And for approximately 4635 tonnes of onions in boxes (crates).
Tolsma unit for mixing air
Tolsma units for mixing air have been designed especially for the ventilation of agricultural products in boxes (crates) and bags. The unique thing about this unit for mixing air is that by mixing the air from outside and the air from inside, the air that is blown in is automatically brought to exactly the desired temperature.

Notes: considering “Tolsma mixluchtunit”: I have ‘translated’ or described the meaning of this, but one could also argue that this is the name of the product and does not need to be translated. Tolsma is a name and should not be translated.
Considering “boxes (crates)”: this is just me not being sure which word to choose in English
Considering 5.070 and 4635: the "." in a series of numbers is not a decimal point; 1.000 is one thousand (not 1 as it would be in English). That is why I have left the points out in my bridge.