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번역 - 영어-스페인어 - Everybody says love makes the world go round I...

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분류 노래 - 사랑 / 우정

Everybody says love makes the world go round I...
laura butan에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

Everybody says love makes the world go round
I hear a bubbling, I hear a sound
Of my heart beating then I turn around.
Find you standing at the door
You know me I like to dream a lot
Of this and that and what is not,
Finally I figured out what was what.
The result is always the same
You think somehow we're in a game
I think I'm dumb, I know you're smart
The beating of a purebred heart.
I say this to you and it's not a lark
Marry me today.
You know me I like to dream a lot
Of what there is and what there's not.
But mainly I dream of you a lot.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Part of the song "The power of the heart" (Peter Gabriel).

Edit: bubble-bubbling/Freya

Todos dicen que el amor hace girar al ...

lilian canale에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 스페인어

Todos dicen que el amor hace girar al mundo
Oigo un burbujeo, oigo un sonido
De mi corazón latiendo, entonces me doy vuelta.
Te encuentro parada en la puerta
Tú me conoces, me gusta mucho soñar
Con esto y lo otro y lo que no es.
Finalmente me di cuenta de lo que era.
El resultado es siempre el mismo
Crees que de alguna manera estamos en un juego.
Creo que soy tonto, sé que eres inteligente
El latido de un corazón de pura raza.
Te digo esto y no es una broma
Cásate conmigo hoy.
Tú me conoces, me gusta mucho soñar
Con lo que hay y lo que no hay.
Pero sobre todo, sueño mucho contigo.
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2010년 12월 24일 18:11