Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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번역 - 스웨덴어-프랑스어 - nu har du nÃ¥tt att bita i!

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 스웨덴어프랑스어

nu har du nått att bita i!
malinm에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 스웨덴어

hej du!
tyckte att det var fint av mig att lägga ner mycket tid på att skriva på franska till dig. Fint av mig!
Hoppas dagen går som planerat och att du mår bra. Jätte trist att du inte kunde ringa igår, hade verkligen sätt fram emot det, men du kanske kan göra det ikväll?
Du såg mailet angående flygbiljetterna va? blir så orolig att du inte ska kunna komma hit.

tänker på dig

maintenant tu as une prise !

Tiary에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 프랑스어

je trouvais mignon d'avoir consacré beaucoup de temps à t'écrire en français. Vraiment sympa ! J'espère que la journée se passe comme prévu et que tu te portes bien. Je suis très déçue que tu n'aies pas pu appeler hier, j'y comptais vraiment, mais tu peux peut-être le faire ce soir ?
Tu as vu le mail concernant les tickets d'avion je suppose ? je deviens très nerveuse à l'idée que tu ne puisses pas venir.

je pense à toi
Francky5591에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 12월 7일 18:44

마지막 글


2007년 12월 7일 08:01

게시물 갯수: 12396
I'd like some bridge into English, please could you do it Pia?

CC: Piagabriella pias

2007년 12월 7일 18:32

게시물 갯수: 8114
Sorry for not answer faster Franck!...many things on my mind right now.(please have indulgence with the english..spelling)

The bridge:
Hi there!
I thought it was fine of me to put down a lot of time to write in French to you.
Fine of me!
Hope your day is running as planned and that you are doing well. Really boring that you could not call yesterday, I had really looked forward to it, maybe you could do it tonight?
Did you see the mail about the air ticket's? I'm really worried that you not be able to come here.

thinking of you

2007년 12월 7일 18:50

게시물 갯수: 12396
Thanks a lot Pia, even if your English isn't fluent like the one from a native Englsih speaker would be (I would say the same about mine, I know I'll NEVER talk fluently, even if I regularly practise with an English friend of mine...) I could make an idea about quality of this translation., this is a very good one (translator is a professional and one can see it!), it isn't litteraly translated but meaning is respected and French is top quality in it.
Thanks again, cheers!

2007년 12월 7일 19:04

게시물 갯수: 8114
My pleasure Franck!
I'm just glad to be able to help you,

I think that it is ALWAYS me asking for help..

2007년 12월 7일 20:59

게시물 갯수: 21
J'aime beaucoup la traduction de Pia.

Juste un détail "I'm really worried that you're not be able to come here."

"So long, folks!"


2007년 12월 8일 08:17

게시물 갯수: 8114
hm...Please Tiary, I don't understand the thing you write in france...could you repeat in english?

2007년 12월 8일 09:02

게시물 갯수: 12396
Tiary said he really liked your translation into English, and just notified some small mistake you did (it had to read ""I'm really worried that you're not be able to come here." instead of "I'm really worried that you not be able to come here."

2007년 12월 8일 09:03

게시물 갯수: 8114
Ahhh, I'm glad!