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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Norwegian Æ digge dÆ digge du mÆ då?
Æ digge dÆ digge du mÆ då?
a norwegian friend sent me this message but I don't know what it means. Can someone translate it for me please.

un ami norvegien m'a envoyé ce message que je ne comprends pas. Quelqu'un peut-il m'en donner la signification svp.

Completed translations
French Tu me plais. Et moi alors, je te plais ?
English I like you, do you like me then?
Source language
French Aussi bas que l'on soit, on se relèvera. Laisse...
Aussi bas que l'on soit, on se relèvera. Laisse moi du temps.

Completed translations
Swedish Hur nere man än är, ska man resa sig.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish seni seviyorum ve sen benim için herşeyden önce...
seni seviyorum ve sen benim için herşeyden önce geliyorsun senin için yapmıyacagım şey yoktur

Completed translations
Dutch ik hou...
Source language
Bulgarian Ще се омъжиш ли за мен?
Ще се омъжиш ли за мен?

Completed translations
Turkish Benimle evlenirmisin?
English Will you marry me?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabic انا اسف حاسس اني مقصر معك

ولله اشتقتلك

انا اسف حاسس اني مقصر معك

بس ولله كنت مشغول د

بحبك بحبك
Please translate the sentences for me.
I've got a friend on MSN which sometimes talks to me in Arabic but I can't read Arabic.
But I really need to know what he's saying/meaning with this sentences.
By the way; he is Syrian.

Completed translations
Dutch Sorry, ik voel dat ik misdadiger met jou ben
English I feel that I'm delinquent with you
German Entschuldige, es fühlt sich an, als ob...
Source language
Italian Ciao Mihaela....
Ciao Mihaela....
è un po' che ti mando messaggi ma tu non rispondi mai.
Sono stato ingenuo a pensare che potesse nascere un' amicizia su quei divani.
Voglio comunque dirti che mi ha fatto piacere trascorrere un po' del mio tempo con te e che ricorderò a lungo i tuoi bellissimi occhi.
Buona fortuna.

Completed translations
Romanian Bună Mihaela...
17Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".17
German hey sehr heißes Bild von dir
hey sehr heißes Bild von dir

Completed translations
Bulgarian Хей, много хубава твоя снимка!
Source language
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Nunca mais tive notícias de você.Quando irá...
Nunca mais tive notícias de você.Quando irá retornar ao Brasil? Você está trabalhando aonde?Já casou e tem filhos? EStou escrevendo com a ajuda de um tradutor que encontrei na internet, poderá me responder em italiano mesmo.Desejo que tudo esteja bem.Fique com Deus.Beeeijo enorme.

Completed translations
Italian Non ho avuto più notizie da parte tua
Source language
Thai ไม่เห็นมาทักทายกันนานเชียวนะ คิดถึงอ่ะ ^_
ไม่เห็นมาทักทายกันนานเชียวนะ คิดถึงอ่ะ ^_

Completed translations
French Cela fait longtemps que je ne t'ai pas vu venir dire bonjour. Tu me manques. ^_
Source language
English Hi, how are you doing? You look very ...
Hi, how are you doing? You look very beautiful and mind blowing in your pictures !!!

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Oi, como vai?
Source language
English How to get out of quicksand They walk into...
How to escape from quicksand

They walk into quicksand,they start to struggle.
But as they struggle,they get sucked deeper into it.

If you got stuck in quicksand,i'm going to show you how to get out of quicksand
Please refer to the video Bear escape from quicksand on You Tube for more information.

Por favor,refere-se ao vídeo Bear escapa de areia movediça no You Tube por mais informação.

Completed translations
Spanish Cómo salir de las arenas movedizas ...
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Como escapar da areia movediça.
Turkish bataklıktan nasıl çıkılır...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish jag kan inte leva utan dig du betyder allt för...
jag kan inte leva utan dig du betyder allt för mig och jag älskar dig jätte mycket

Completed translations
Arabic لا استطيع ان اعيش من دونك
Turkish Sensiz yaşamıyorum
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Erkek tarafından bildirilen tanıklar...
Erkek tarafından bildirilen tanıklar dinlenmiştir. Tanıkların soyut olup, gerekçesi açıklanmayan, başkalarından duydukları veya başkaları tarafından aktarılan ifadeleri dikkate alınmamış, bunun haricindeki beyanları dikkate alınmıştır.

Completed translations
Dutch n fgn
Source language
Swedish Du är min själ du är mitt liv. (inta rouhi wa...
Du är min själ du är mitt liv.
(inta rouhi wa heyati)
vill ha denna text på libanesisk arabiska om det går. Annars går det bra med ursprungs arabiska som i böcker och magasin.

Completed translations
Arabic أنت روحي . أنت حياتي.
Source language
Italian Gentili Signore, egregi Signori, il Centro di...
Gentili Signore, egregi Signori, il Centro di Medicina e Chirurgia dello Sport vi da il benvenuto al corso di formazione del prossimo 10 al 13 settembre. Per motivi organizzativi dobbiamo sapere la vostra data e orario d’arrivo e di partenza. Vi preghiamo di annunciarvi entro il 4 di settembre all’indirizzo e-mail xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx

Visto che non abbiamo sufficiente posto al CSTenero abbiamo organizzato un hotel a 500m dal centro.
E-mail masked. /pias 080902.

Completed translations
French Organisation d'une formation
Source language
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Querida, boa viagem! Lembre-se das mães da...
Querida, boa viagem!
Lembre-se das mães da praça de maio, do sorvete fredo, da rua florida e desta sua amiga...

Completed translations
Spanish Querida,¡buen viaje!
Source language






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Russian Привет!
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