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Source language
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Oi nao entendo sua lingua. Mais falow al! Xau...
Oi nao entendo sua lingua.
Mais falow al!
Xau baisers

Completed translations
French Salut, je ne comprends pas ta langue.
Source language
Russian Здравствуй Лена, моя работа теперь связана с...
Здравствуй Лена, моя работа теперь связана с работой на компьютере. Я заместитель директора по информационным технологиям, поэтому я постоянно нахожусь в Интернете. Мой Skype всегда включен,поэтому, когда сможешь попробуй со мной связаться. Моё имя в Skype vigrim1. Еще хорошо, если ты зарегестрируешься с помощью сына на страничке Там есть ссылка: Другие страны-Болгария-Пловдив-Училище имени Никола Й. Вапцаров

Completed translations
Bulgarian Здравей Лена, моята работа сега е свързана с....
Source language
Turkish Bu akşamda sensizliği anılara sarıp içtim...
Bu akşamda sensizliği anılara sarıp içtim
Kaybettikten sonra anlıyor insan.
Meğerse hiç kimseyi senin kadar sevmemişim.
Bir dönsen; en güzel yerinde biten o rüya
Yeniden yaşanır istersen
Yıldızları sermezmiyim ayaklarına,geldiğin yollara toz olmazmıyım
Yine şafak söküyor,
Uykuların unuttuğu gözlerim yine tavanda.
Ne vardı diyorum ah bir dönseydin son anda.
Şarjörüne hasret sürdüm sazımın,
Şimdi hüzün işgalinde yüreğim.

Completed translations
English Tonight yet again i
Portuguese Ainda hoje eu bebi sedimentando a tua ausência nas minhas lembranças
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Ciao, sica
come stai ieri non ti ho potuto chiamare perché mi trovavo fuori città per lavoro. Anch'io sono innamorato ma di te però ce un problema la distanza ce lo impedisce , quando guardo le foto penso a quei momenti passati insieme e alle tue morbide labra da baciare. La tua città e bellissima lo vista su internet spero un giorno di venire .

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Oi Sica
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Lual 1
io vivo in italia nella Provincia di milano ,, faccio il falegname.. di giorno e nei week- mi trasdformo in muscista cantante e giro il nord iltalia con la mia band

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Lual 1
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Finnish Olen poissa enkä lue sähköpostiani vähään...
Olen poissa enkä lue sähköpostiani vähään aikaan.
Kiireellisissä asioissa soita
This is a response I have had from an email sent.

Completed translations
English I will be away and won´t read my email for a short period. An urgent errands call.
Norwegian Jeg vil være borte...
Swedish Jag är bortrest och jag läser inte min e-post på ett tag.
Spanish Estaré ausente y no podré
Source language
Polish jesteś piękna i kocham cię
jesteś piękna i kocham cię

Completed translations
Spanish eres bella y te quiero
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Par goût de la provocation,les adolescents...
Par goût de la provocation, les adolescents tiennent parfois des propos...sur les personnes âgées. Même entre eux, il y a souvent des malentendus. << Quelquefois,on est amené à faire quelque chose que l'autre va considérer comme une..
J'ai corrigé les quelques fautes d'orthographe et d'accentuation (diacritiques français), mais même corrigé, ce texte est incomplet et tronqué...donc je l'ai mis en "uniquement la signification"

Completed translations
English Just for fun
Romanian Din dorinţa de a provoca
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Polish wyjasnienie
Całkiem mozliwe, że wcale nie odczytasz tych słów po polsku...ale jeśli to tu jest to co chciałabym Ci powiedzieć

Completed translations
English explanation
Turkish açıklama
Source language
Croatian hej..baš mi je drago što sam saznala da imam neke...
hej..baš mi je drago što sam saznala da imam neke rođake u Argentini..pitala sam svoju baku jeli zna za tvog djeda i rekla je da zna..ja sam unuka od pokojnog Branimira Kraljeva..
Jesi li ikad bio u Banju,Htvatskoj???

Completed translations
English hey..I was really surprised because I found out that I have some..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian я не хочу
я не хочу

Completed translations
Bulgarian bul
Bulgarian не искам
English I don`t want
Greek Δεν θέλω
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese vc quer ingressar na minha ally? ally yes ou no?
vc quer ingressar na minha ally?
ally yes ou no?
bu mesaj bana bir online oyunda atıldı.

Completed translations
Turkish benim "ally" ime katılmak ister misin ?
Bulgarian Искаш ли да се присъединиш към моите съюзници?
Source language
Portuguese Ola Teddy!
Ola Teddy!
Deves estranhar este mail, mas resolvi escrever-te, porque gostei de saber que o Tiago tem admiradores na Bulgaria.
Depois fequei muito contente tambem por escreveres e penso que falares muito bem portugues!
Ja agora como aprendeste e onde foi?
Vou enviar-te num envelope da empresa que representa o Tiago e onde trabalho, alguns posters do Tiago assinados por ele, para ti e se souberes de mais alguem que tambem o admire.
Poderes oferecer.
Pode ser que um dia em trabalho eu va a Bulgaria ver alguns jogos e possa conhecer esse teu lindo Pais.
Peco-te desculpa por nao me ter apresentado, mas eu sou o Carlos Mendes.
Espero que gostes do que te enviei.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Здравей, Теди.
Source language
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) eu te amo mais que amor bem-vindo não te...
eu te amo
muito mais que amor
não te interessa
sathya significa verdade em hindu
Francês da França

Completed translations
French Je t'aime
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Portuguese ola a todos!
estive ai no verão, lembram-se de mim?
tenho muitas saudades vossas! espero que estejam todos bem!
junto envio um cd com musicas para voces, espero que gostem!

Completed translations
Bulgarian Бях там през лятото...
Source language
English "Get into the Mexican groove".
"Get into the Mexican groove".
To describe a funky new line of mexican foods. ,,

Completed translations
Spanish Entre en el surco mexicano
Italian "Entra nella routine messicana"
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew הנה לך.. אנו מאחלים לכם בהצלחה...
הנה לך..
אנו מאחלים לכם בהצלחה...

Completed translations
English There you are...we are wishing you all success
Italian Eccoti
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