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Translation - Latin-English - cicada orni loquendi veranum tempus est

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: LatinFrenchPortaingéilis (na Brasaíle)English

Category Daily life

cicada orni loquendi veranum tempus est
Submitted by pati.og
Source language: Latin

cicada orni loquendi veranum tempus est
Remarks about the translation
Uma amiga me pediu a tradução desta frase. Ela achou que fosse italiano. E, itaiano, eu sei. Mas, é latim. Então, peço ajuda.

The cicada on the rustling ash-tree announces the warm season

Translated by apple
Target language: English

The cicada on the rustling flowering ash-tree announces the warm season
Remarks about the translation
“Cicada orni” is also the scientific name of a species of cicada, which lives on the “fraxinus ornus” (flowering ash-tree, manna ash-tree)
Validated by kafetzou - 17 February 2007 15:55