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Translation - German-English - I don't speak

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Category Explanations - Games

I don't speak
Submitted by wkn
Source language: German

Nur dort kann das Gebäude Steinmetz errichtet werden und nur dort können Rohstofffelder weiter als bis Stufe 10 ausgebaut werden.

You can only build...

Translated by CocoT
Target language: English

You can only build the [Steinmetz] building in that area and only there can you build fields of raw material of a level higher than 10.
Remarks about the translation
I have the strong feeling this comes from some sort of video/internet-based game. Obviously, "Steinmetz building" does not mean much, except probably for players of that game. Just for the info, "Steinmetz" means "mason". For the second part of the sentence, "Rohstofffelder" is also pretty hard to translate without proper context, so I tried to stick to a form of neutral translation. The idea is that, in that other area, you can build those fields more intensely than in other areas, the "level" number is unlocked above "10". The second "build" could be translated to "upgrade", given the game background.
Validated by kafetzou - 25 August 2007 21:01