Cucumis - निशुल्क अन्-लाइन अनुबाद सेवा
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अनुबाद - रोमानियन-अंग्रेजी - AÅŸ vrea să iubesc marea, dar marea nu ...

अहिलेको अवस्थाअनुबाद
यो हरफ निम्न भाषामा उपलब्ध छ: रोमानियनअंग्रेजीरूसीअल्बेनियन

Category Sentence - Love / Friendship

Aş vrea să iubesc marea, dar marea nu ...
vikymaibineद्वारा बुझाइएको
स्रोत भाषा: रोमानियन

Aş vrea să iubesc marea, dar marea nu iubeşte. Aş vrea să iubesc pământul, dar pământul e rece şi plin de întuneric. Aş vrea să iubesc oamenii, dar oamenii sunt răi. Aş vrea să te iubesc pe tine, dar nu ştiu dacă mă iubeşti. Şi totuşi am să iubesc tot ce e mai bun din mare, pământ şi oameni, iar din tine am să iubesc totul, pentru că ai fost şi vei rămâne marea mea iubire!""

love message

imogilnitskayaद्वारा अनुबाद गरिएको
अनुबाद गर्नुपर्ने भाषा: अंग्रेजी

I'd like to love the sea, but the sea can't love. I'd like to love the earth, but the earth is cold and full of darkness. I'd like to love people, but people are mean. I'd like to love you, but I don't know whether you love me. And yet, I will love only the best part of the sea, of the earth and of people, but in you, I will love everything, because you were, and you will stay my great love.
अनुबादका लागि चाहिन सक्ने थप जानकारी
I'd like to love the sea,but the sea can't love. I'd like to love the earth, but the earth is cold and full of darkness. I'd like to love people, but people are evil. I'd like to love you,but I don't know whether you love me. And still I will love all the best in sea, earth and people, but in you I will love everything, cause you were and you'll stay my great love.
Validated by Tantine - 2008年 जुलाई 15日 01:18

पछिल्ला सन्देशहरु


2008年 जुलाई 12日 15:42

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2747
Hi imogilnitskaya

I've slightly edited your text, the English was very good, just one or two minor corrections and some spaces missed after commas.

I've pasted your original in the remarks about the translation box, so as you can see what I've changed.

If you are ok with the corrections I've done, I'll set a poll as I don't speak any Romanian.


2008年 जुलाई 12日 16:49

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 84
ok, I agree with your corrections. You are the expert here

2008年 जुलाई 12日 18:05

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 12396
Another Romanian text submitted by a Romanian user that was typed without diacritics.

I can't be logged in 24/24 (I'm already am 7/7), so I would be grateful if every expert paid a bit more attention to the texts in all languages, and remove the request before it to be translated.

I won't "cc" all the experts, I'm not upset enough yet to do that, but I must confess I strongly thought about it!

CC: iepurica azitrad

2008年 जुलाई 14日 14:15

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2102
Just a tinny-tinny observation. I would have used "mean" instead of "evil", the Romanian word is not so strong as "evil" is.

2008年 जुलाई 15日 01:12

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2747
Hi Francky Hi Iepurica

Thanks for the precision Iepurica , I'll do this minor edit then I'll validate.
