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Translation - Swedish-English - o camilla sov en natt med mig.

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กลุ่ม Song

o camilla sov en natt med mig.
Submitted by Laura90
Source language: Swedish

Jag kan ge utan att ta, jag kan få dig att må bra
o camilla sov en natt med mig.
Jag kan ge dig min hand o mitt hjärta står i brand
o camilla du kan ej säga nej till en natt med mig.
Remarks about the translation
Gostaria que fosse uma tradução, não ao pé da letra, mas que dê sentido e ao mesmo tempo não mude muito as palavras.

Obrigada s2

o Camilla sleep one night with me.

Translated by pias
Target language: English

I can give without taking, I can make you feel good
o Camilla sleep one night with me.
I can give you my hand, and my heart is on fire
o Camilla you can't refuse a night with me.
Validated by dramati - 6 December 2007 19:06



4 December 2007 10:44

จำนวนข้อความ: 3
I sista meningen borde det vara; "o Camilla you can't SAY NO to a night with me"

Refuse blir ju mer vägra och detta är en drömsk text, därför passar det inte.

Men det är ju bara min åsikt.

// Mimmi

4 December 2007 14:38

จำนวนข้อความ: 7963
It's OK as it is. We right "oh" as "o" in this kind of poetic context.

But I don't know what Mimmidanielsson said.

4 December 2007 16:22

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
Ok...good to know about the "oh".

Mimmidanielsson say that:
The last sense should be "o Camilla you can't SAY NO to a night with me" Refuse is more like swedish vägra.. and this is a dreamlike text, because of that refuse don't be suitable.

But that is just mine opinion.

4 December 2007 19:02

จำนวนข้อความ: 1670
I can´t help thinking that the "o" should be translated to "and" (as it has been in the Portuguese version) and as it also has been translated another place in this very same text: "Jag kan ge dig min hand o mitt hjärta står i brand" -->
"I can give you my hand AND my heart is on fire"

I have read the above comments and I´m not writing this because I expect you to change it, I just wanted to give you my personal opinion :-)

4 December 2007 19:08

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
My notes on the portuguese version says that it could be actually "Oh".

4 December 2007 19:19

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
kafetzou, please can you tell what is the right thing to do here, you have already answered this...but they all seem to have different ideas

I still think it is good as it is.

5 December 2007 00:17

จำนวนข้อความ: 5
I can give without take, I can make you feel good.
and Camila, sleep a night with me. I can give you my hand and my heart is on fire.
And Camila, You can't say no for a night with me

5 December 2007 00:27

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
Please, don't read the message above.

5 December 2007 04:55

จำนวนข้อความ: 7963
Which one? I really can't help you, because I can't read Swedish - I have no idea what "o" means in Swedish.

5 December 2007 06:06

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
Sorry kafetzou for not be clear enough.
I mean Anita_Luciano's (she refer to Portuguese wich is a language I don't understand) and Casper have another idea about it.

'o' in swedish is not the same as and, it's more a expression for a feeling (An interjection)

Hope I made it clearer now...

5 December 2007 09:19

จำนวนข้อความ: 1670
pias, ok, I hear you and I do believe that you must know (a lot) better than me when it comes to Swedish! - but if "o" is not the same as "and", then shouldn´t it be corrected here: "Jag kan ge dig min hand o mitt hjärta står i brand" (in the translation it says: I can give you my hand AND my heart is on fire)?

5 December 2007 11:59

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
Anita, you got a point in what you are saying..I don't know why the swedish source text is writen:
'Jag kan ge dig min hand o mitt hjärta står i brand',
It should be:

'Jag kan ge dig min hand OCH mitt hjärta står i brand'

(But if you should act consistently and interpret the 'o' as and through all text)

'I can give you my hand oh my heart is on fire'
That sounds very weird..

I guess as you assume that the source text is not right.

Did I answered your question?

5 December 2007 12:25

จำนวนข้อความ: 1670
yep. Thanks!

If, however, you put a comma after "hand", then it would sound ok, wouldn´t it?

'I can give you my hand, oh my heart is on fire'

But it´s of course (!) completely up to you.

5 December 2007 12:30

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
Thanks Anita, that was a good idea!

5 December 2007 12:33

จำนวนข้อความ: 1670
Oh, I´ve just realized that it´s a song! :-)

check it out (if you didn´t know it already):

5 December 2007 12:39

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
Aha.., that was news to me
I'll have a look there!
Or maybe better..listen there

5 December 2007 12:46

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
YES Anita...I know that song!!!
A REAL 'summer-pain', I think last summer.

My neighbours realy drive me crazy...listen to that stupid song all the time.

5 December 2007 12:54

จำนวนข้อความ: 1670
oh, you should thank the Gods that you don´t have MY neighbours :-) They are a family of mum, dad and four kids. And the ALL (!) sing opera! Very badly, I might add! LOL

5 December 2007 13:28

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
he,he,he...neighbours can be a REAL pain.
I'm glad my neighbours don't sing...well at least, they don't sing when they are sober

5 December 2007 17:09

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
e=and in portuguese, not sure about what the original meant though... the rest sounds perfect.
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