Ben genelde klasık dınlerım arada her ulkenın yerel muzıklerını dınlerım-arastırım.sızın ulkenızle de ılgılı bırkac muzısyen buldum,ama yeterı kadar bulamadım.sizin ulkenızın yerel sarkılarını bulma konusunda bana yardımcı olur musun
I usually listen to classical music... every now and then I listen to every country’s local music – I research it (study). Relating to your country too, I’ve found some interesting musicians, but I haven’t found enough. Could you help me find local songs from your country?
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем lilian canale - 3 Май 2008 19:40
I usually listen to classical music... SOMETİMES I listen-RESEARCH to every country’s local music. I’ve found some interesting musicians CONNECTED WİTH your country, too, but I haven’t found enough. Could you help me find local SONGS from your country?
Hello katranjyly, your suggestion is almost good but I think there is a few problems:
"araştırmak" in this text, may be "hunt" or "search" and so on, because she is just searching her favorate musics & musicians as hobby not for her research/study.
And "connected" doesn't fit. Maybe "relating to" or just "about" is better, I think.