Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Completed translations

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Target language

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Source language
Turkish SuskunluÄŸum asaletimdendir. Her lafa verecek...
...Suskunluğum asaletimdendir. Her lafa verecek bir cevabım var. Lakin bir lafa bakarım, laf mı diye. Birde söyleyene bakarım adam mı diye...Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

Completed translations
Bulgarian Ataturk
English ...My silence is because
Italian ...Il mio silenzio
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Lithuanian Brangus Liute,as labai atsiprasau, kad...
Brangus Liute,as labai atsiprasau, kad turejau parasyti tuos zodzius, tokia buvo situacija. Mano vyui buvo blogai su sveikata, jis suzinojo apie musu laiskus. As negaliu daugiau rasyti, taciau Tu visa laika liksi mano sirdyje ir viskas kas graziausio buvo mano gyvenime lieka ten, kur tulpiu salis. Gal kada gyvenime viskas bus kitaip. Su meile

Completed translations
English My dear Lion
Dutch Mijn lieve Leeuw
Source language
Polish gdybym był młodszy byłbym bednarzem
gdybym był młodszy byłbym bednarzem

Completed translations
English If I was younger...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish ?Quien la ostia eres?
?Quien la ostia eres?

Completed translations
Greek Ποιος στο διάβολο είσαι?
Dự án - Wordia Source language
English However, you can still use this site to learn...
However, you can still use this site to learn words in [b]any language[/b].
--- Context ---
This sentence is shown directly below a text that says something like "This site is not available in your language".
It explains to the user that he / she can still use this site to learn words in any language, even though the -site itself- is not available in the current languages.

--- Language info ---
French: French from France
Dutch: language spoken in The Netherlands
Norwegian: Bokmål

-- Additional info PLEASE READ---
"this site" could also be "this website".

"However, you can still..." could also be "But, you can still..." if there is no good translation of "however".

Please put the "[b]" and "[/b]" in the best position possible. They are there to make the "any language" bold (or emphasized) as this is very important for the understanding of the text.

--- FINALLY ---
Please copy/paste or translate this information into the "Remarks about the translation"-field in order to be available to people that are translating from your translation.

Thank you.

Completed translations
Italian In ogni caso, puoi sempre...
Portuguese Todavia, podes ainda utilizar este site para aprender palavras em [b]qualquer idioma[/b].
French Mais vous pouvez neanmoins utiliser cette website...
Hungarian Azonban még használhatod ezt a weboldalt ...
Spanish Sin embargo, aún puedes usar este sitio
Russian Однако, вы все равно можете...
Danish Men du kan stadigvæk bruge denne website til at lære
Norwegian Men De kan fortsatt bruke denne websiden til å
Czech Nicméně, i přesto můžete využít tyto stránky k učení ...
German Sie können jedoch weiterhin diese Seite benutzen,...
Icelandic Hinsvegar getur þú samt notað þennan vef..
Greek Παρ’ όλα αυτά, μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις αυτή την ιστοσελίδα ώστε να μάθεις...
Lithuanian Tačiau, jūs galite vis dar panaudoti šią svetainę,
Finnish Voit kuitenkin käyttää tätä sivustoa opetellaksesi...
Polish Więc możesz dalej używać tej strony do nauki
Estonian Sina võid aga kasutada seda lehekülge
Dutch eender
Latvian Taču, Jūs joprojām varam izmantot šo mājas lapu...
Source language
English 'I wish in one instant I could tell you of my...
'I wish in one instant I could tell you of my safe arrival,but we are 3,000 miles apart and must wait four long weeks to hear from each other.'samuel morse was twenty when he wrote this sentence in a letter to his mother in 1811.he was in london,in UK,studying art.she was at charlestown,massachusetts home,in the US,where he had been born.Perhaps it was at the moment of writing the letter that young Morse first became aware of desire to bridge space with flying words.

Completed translations
Turkish bir an için sana söyleyebilmek isterdim
Source language
English "compartiment" is a French word that I want to be translated in English
"compartiment" is a French word that I want to be translated in English.

Completed translations
French "compartiment" est un mot français
Dutch Compartiment
Source language
Bulgarian ЦЕНИ НА БИЛЕТИТЕ ДЕТСКИ: до 3 години - 2.00...

до 3 години - 2.00 лв./без място/
от 3 до 10 години - 6.00 лв. /с място/

Вторник - Неделя от 10.00 до 20.00
Понеделник - ПОЧИВЕН ДЕН

Дирекцията на цирка запазва правото си на промени.

Completed translations
English Children ticket price:
Dutch Circusprijzen
Source language
Turkish aşkı seninle tattım pelin
aşkı seninle tattım pelin
arzu ettigim dovme yukarıda yazdıgım dovmenin latincesi oldugu icin cevirilmesini rica ediyorum

cumle hakkında acıklamam: aşkımı ifade ettigi icin aşkı seninle tattım pelin yazdım nedeni ilk defa aşık olmamla alakalıdır

Completed translations
English I tasted
Russian С тобой я пережил (познал) любовь
Arabic أشعر بطعم الحب معك، بيلين
Hebrew איתך גיליתי אהבה מהי, פלין.
Latinh Degustavi
Source language
English announcement of a Russian song
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
Our next number is a very special number.
We shall sing for you a typical Russian song about soldiers.
Your attention please for Regimental Polka.

Completed translations
Romanian anunţarea unui cântec rusesc
Russian Добрый день, дамы и господа , мальчики и девочки,,,
Source language
Latinh Carpe Noctem
Carpe Noctem
<edit> "carpe noctum" with "carpe noctem"</edit>, on appeltaart's notification (06/02/francky)

Completed translations
English Seize the night
Lithuanian Išnaudok naktį
Russian Завладей ночью
German Nutze die Nacht
Polish Zawładnąć nocą
Source language
English no trespassing violators will be shot survivors...
no trespassing violators will be shot survivors will be shot again

Completed translations
Turkish yine vurulacak
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Литовский
С нами можно связаться различными способами. Можно послать электронное письмо: Если вы зарегистрированный пользователь, то вы можете послать нам Приватное сообщение. Или, вы можете заполнить форму на этой странице.

Completed translations
Lithuanian Su mumis galima susisiekti...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Lichtgerät
das Lichtgerät und die UV-Röhren sind nicht im Auffset enthalten. Im Set sind alle Produkte enthalten wie in der Beschreibung

Completed translations
Lithuanian Sviesos prietaisas
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Ешьте что хотите, наслаждайтесь едой и...
Ешьте что хотите, наслаждайтесь едой и оставайтесь стройным — это вам гарантирует уникальный и эффективный метод Аллена Карра. Сбросьте вес без диет, подсчета калорий и применения силы воли. Программа питания, разработанная Алленом Карром, позволит вам наслаждаться вкусом еды, утолять голод и терять вес. Благодаря этой программе вы сможете:


Completed translations
Lithuanian Valgykite, ka norite, megaukites maistu ir...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I have never felt such terible griefing for you...
I have never felt such terible yearning for you as now I feel

Completed translations
Romanian Nu am simţit niciodată un dor
Lithuanian As niekada nesiilgejau taves taip siaubingai
Source language
English i still need you
if you ever find yourself wondering
if i still need you
the way i did
when i was growing up,
or if i ever think about
the little things
and special times
we used to share...
...the answer
will always be,
because no matter
how many years go by,
inside my heart
will always be
the little girl
who loves and needs her dad.

Completed translations
Lithuanian man vis dar taves reikia
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