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Dịch - Hebrew-German - שלום רב וברוכים הבאים כאמור מקודם אני אילנה אשתו...

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שלום רב וברוכים הבאים כאמור מקודם אני אילנה אשתו...
Submitted by ilana
Source language: Hebrew

שלום רב וברוכים הבאים
כאמור מקודם אני אילנה אשתו של...ראובן ברק שליח קק"ל במינכן וכל איזור BAD WITENBERG , איזור הגדול פי 3 ממדינת ישראל שלנו. אנו משפחה שהיגיעה למינכן בספטמבר 2007 ואיתמר בני ואני מנסים לאסוף ישראלים בעלי רעיונות יצירתיים איך נוכל להפוך לקהילה מאורגנת ותומכת.
בפורום זה תוכלו לכתוב בעברית, אנגלית או גרמנית.

Hallo und Willkommen

Translated by Rodrigues
Target language: German

Hallo und willkommen
Wie bereits erwähnt bin ich Ilana, Frau von... Reuven Barak, KKL-Vertreter in München und der ganzen Region Bad Wittenberg, ein Gebiet dreimal so groß wie unser Land Israel. Wir sind eine Familie und kamen im September 2007 nach München und mein Sohn Itamar und ich versuchen Israelis zu finden, die kreative Ideen haben, wie man eine organisierte und unterstützende Gemeinschaft aufbauen kann.
In diesem Forum können Sie auf Hebräisch, Englisch oder Deutsch schreiben.
Remarks about the translation
translated by english bridge from "milkman"
points shared.

major edits by Bhatarsaigh
Validated by Bhatarsaigh - 13 Tháng 3 2008 19:22

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7 Tháng 3 2008 20:46

Tổng số bài gửi: 253
Milkman, could you please post the English bridge?

There seem to be too few German/Hebrew-speakers to fill the poll.

CC: milkman

7 Tháng 3 2008 22:09

Tổng số bài gửi: 773
Unfortunately I don't think we have access to our outboxes, and translating again is quite a lot of work. Can you please ask Rodrigues to copy & paste my bridge from his inbox for you?
If he can't, I'll translate it again...

8 Tháng 3 2008 02:56

Tổng số bài gửi: 253
Rodrigues, would you?

8 Tháng 3 2008 08:53

Tổng số bài gửi: 1621
I think, that JP had some server-problems? No message from "milkman" in my inbox anymore. I'd read now 4 times all 7 pages of it...

10 Tháng 3 2008 19:11

Tổng số bài gửi: 253
Sorry for bothering you again, milkman. Would you mind bridging again? Seems to be the only possibility for me to be able to validate the translation.

13 Tháng 3 2008 17:56

Tổng số bài gửi: 773
Ok Bhatarsaigh, here you are:

Hello and welcome
As aforementioned I'm Ilana, wife of... Reuven Barak, KKL representative in Munich and the entire area of BAD WITENBERG, an area 3 times larger than our land of Israel. We are a family which arrived at Munich in September 2007, and Itamar, my son, and me are trying to gather Israelis with creative ideas to create an organized and supporting community.
In this forum you will be able to write in Hebrew, English or German.


CC: Bhatarsaigh

13 Tháng 3 2008 19:21

Tổng số bài gửi: 253
Thanks for your help, milkman.