Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Serbian - I don't know if it's really you...but i guess it...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Letter / Email

I don't know if it's really you...but i guess it...
Submitted by jo20
Source language: English

If it really is, I am the girl who works with the geese in the opera "time of the gypsies" ( i think it is vreme cigana in serbian but i'm not sure...). I am sorry to bother you but I just wanted to tell you that you were absolutely great in the opera, that you were one of the best singers i have ever seen and I wanted to know if you could accept me as a friend on facebook. I don't want to annoy you and just don't reply to this message if you don't want to, I'll perfectly understand.

Ne znam da li si to stvarno ti...ali pretpostavljam da jesi...

Translated by megica
Target language: Serbian

Ukoliko je tako, ja sam devojka koja radi sa guskama u operi "Vreme cigana" (mislim da se na srpskom kaže Vreme cigana ali nisam sigurna)... Ne bih želela da ti smetam, ali samo želim da ti kažem da si bio apsolutno fantastičan u toj operi, da si ti jedan od najboljih pevača koje sam ikada videla i želim da znam da li bi me prihvatio kao prijatelja na FACEBOOK-u. Ne želim da te nerviram i ako nećeš ne moraš odgovoriti na ovu poruku, razumeću u potpunosti.
Remarks about the translation
razumeo sam da devojka piše muškarcu
I bio si u pravu :)
Validated by Roller-Coaster - 27 Tháng 3 2008 10:02