Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Serbian - Translation-punctuation-uppercases

Current statusDịch
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Requested translations: KlingonKurdish

Nhóm chuyên mục Explanations - Computers / Internet

Submitted by cucumis
Source language: English

The translation must follow the punctuation, the uppercases and lowercases of the original text. For example if there is no point at the end of the sentences of the original text, there must not be a point in the translated text.

Prevodi-interpunkcija-velika slova

Translated by Demoritus
Target language: Serbian

Prevodi moraju da prate interpunkciju, velika i mala slova originalnog teksta. Na primer, ukoliko nema tacke na kraju recenice originalnog teksta, ne mora je biti ni u prevedenom tekstu.
Validated by Cinderella - 16 Tháng 10 2006 17:43