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Превод - Английски-Сръбски - I still don't have the answer...

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Този текст го има и на следните езици: АнглийскиСръбски

Категория Писмо / Имейл

I still don't have the answer...
Предоставено от markx
Език, от който се превежда: Английски

I still do not have the answer. I can't figure it out for myself...I must tell you that I've had two experiences with men in my life. Well, I can say for sure that they were not love experiences, maybe it was simple affection. Both of them were ended by me. I understood that we had nothing in common and there was nothing to talk about. The last relationship I had was 8 months ago and...
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Text corrected.<Lilian>
"? I still do not the answer, i can not figure it out for myself...I must tell you that i have two experiences with the men in my life. well, i can say for sure that it was not love experience, maybe it was simple affection. Both of them were ended by me. I understood that we had nothing in common and there were nothing to talk about. The last relationships i had 8 months ago and"

Još uvek nemam odgovor...

Преведено от charlize
Желан език: Сръбски

Još uvek nemam odgovor. Ne mogu sama da otkrijem... Moram da ti priznam da sam imala dva iskustva sa muškarcima u životu. Sa sigurnošću mogu da kažem da to nisu bila ljubavna iskustva, možda samo privlačnost. Sa obojicom sam ja raskinula. Shvatila sam da nismo imali ništa zajedničko i nismo imali o čemu da razgovaramo. Poslednja veza koju sam imala bila je pre 8 meseci i...
За последен път се одобри от Roller-Coaster - 26 Април 2009 16:34