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Translation - Sweeds-Engels - En jobbig men rolig resa.jag ser verkligen fram i...

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This text is available in the following languages: SweedsEngels

Category Fiction / Story - Recreation / Travel

En jobbig men rolig resa.jag ser verkligen fram i...
Submitted by jagkallasjenna
Source language: Sweeds

En jobbig men rolig resa.jag ser verkligen fram i mot att åka till hotellet och packa upp.Taxin lär vara här strax.Just nu vill jag bara sova och ta det lungt, kanske kolla runt lite om jag orkar.jag tror att det är våran taxi som står här utanför så vi går och kollar.
strax tillbaka.
Remarks about the translation
dagbken som ska översättas till eng.

A tough but funny journey.

Translated by pias
Target language: Engels

A tough but funny journey. I really look forward to go to the hotel and unpack my bags. The taxi is supposed to be here soon. Right now I just want to sleep and relax, maybe take a little look around if I have the energy to. I think that it is our taxi which is outside so let's go and check it out.
Soon Back.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur dramati - 3 February 2008 22:58

Last messages


2 February 2008 17:03

Number of messages: 972
"I'm really looking forward to take in at a the hotel and unpack the bags.' This needs to be changed. It isn't clear.

Other than that there are a few small edits that I can do for you.



2 February 2008 17:20

Number of messages: 8114
Hi David,
is it better to write:
"I really look forward to go to the hotel and pack up my bags"


2 February 2008 21:12

Number of messages: 972

I think that makes it. Why don't you edit it that way and we'll see what happens when we put it for a vote.

2 February 2008 22:37

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
I don't think pack up is a good choice.
That is used when you finished doing something and will collect your thing together and put them into bags or boxes.
I guess that what the writer means is: unpack...go to the hotel and unpack my bags.( rest, after the tough journey). It seems to me that the person has just arrived somewhere new and is on his/her way to the hotel from the airport perhaps... ?

2 February 2008 22:18

Number of messages: 8114
Hi Lilly.
Agree...unpack sounds better than pack up!
I actually used that word "unpack" in my origin translation before edits..

Shall I edit it back dramati to:
"I really look forward to go to the hotel and unpack my bags."

2 February 2008 23:20

Number of messages: 972
even better! Good idea

2 February 2008 23:33

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Just one little remark Pia:

"...är våran taxi som står här utanför "
" our taxi that is outside "

3 February 2008 07:40

Number of messages: 8114
Ok, I'll edit.
And also change "I think that it is our taxi that waits outside.." to "I think that it is our taxi which stand outside" (som står)

Thanks Lilian for notice me again!

3 February 2008 10:13

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
I think you misunderstood me.
What I meant is that you should use the verb "to be" in that sentence:
I think it's our taxi which is outside.
If you like "stand" better, you have to put it into 3rd person: (it)stands
However, I feel that it sounds much better is in English.
But, that's a matter of choice.

3 February 2008 10:23

Number of messages: 8114
Ok...missunderstandings ALL the time.

I'll edit to "is" now, maybe that is a better way to write in english.

3 February 2008 12:31

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
"nit picking", you may say about my suggestions, but here is another one:

is out there or just outside

sorry for being so boring, I promise, this is the last one!!!

3 February 2008 10:57

Number of messages: 55
"A tough but funny journey."

3 February 2008 13:21

Number of messages: 8114
I'll edit to your proposal Lilly and even to yours svennebus. I have to give you half the points Lilly, since this translation is more yours than mine now.

Thank you both for good proposal!

3 February 2008 13:33

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Come on, Pia!

You have helped me already.
I'm glad to be "useful".

3 February 2008 22:36

Number of messages: 972
Now thats the spirit...all any of us wants to do is to give a good translation...I love you both! Great work.