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Translation - Engels-Tsjeggies - Hello my love

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: FransEngelsTsjeggies

Category Letter / Email - Liefde / Vriendskap

Hello my love
Submitted by argentino
Source language: Engels Translated by lilian canale

Hello my love,
I don't like to see you sad, trust our relationship and let time make us live a beautiful story.
Your love forever, N.

Ahoj, má lásko

Translated by tin00
Target language: Tsjeggies

Ahoj, má lásko,
nerad/nerada tě vidím smutnou/smutného, věř našemu vztahu a nech čas na to, prožít si krásný příběh.
Miluji tě napořád, N.
Remarks about the translation
From the text it's not clear whether it was written for a man or a woman, therefore I included both genders in my translation.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur artingraph - 8 March 2008 00:04