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Original text - Bulgaars - Не знаеш, ти не знаеш как съм чакала,

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: BulgaarsTurks

Category Free writing - Liefde / Vriendskap

Не знаеш, ти не знаеш как съм чакала,
Text to be translated
Submitted by lultimo
Source language: Bulgaars

Не знаеш, ти не знаеш как съм чакала,
колко в нощите съм плакала, ти не знаеш...
20 October 2009 23:31

Last messages


22 October 2009 20:48

Number of messages: 980
Could you give me an English bridge, when you have time please

CC: ViaLuminosa

22 October 2009 23:27

Number of messages: 1116
"You have no idea how long I have waited, how much I have cried at night(s), you have no idea..."