Cucumis - خدمات رایگان ترجمه آنلاین
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متن اصلی - انگلیسی - Thank you , I can't describe in any ...

موقعیت کنونیمتن اصلی
این متن به زبانهای زیر قابل دسترسی می باشد: انگلیسیسوئدی

Thank you , I can't describe in any ...
متن قابل ترجمه
mrs kaulitz پیشنهاد شده توسط
زبان مبداء: انگلیسی

Thank you , I can't describe in any words what we are feeling right now. it's just incredable. and tonight we don't want to thank our managment, we don't want to thank our producers and we don't want to thank us. Tonight we just want to thank our fans all over the world. Thank you so much, that means a lot to us. Thank you so much
29 آوریل 2009 21:22