Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Source language
Spanski por amarte
Amar es una cosa especial
No es un viene y va
Amar solo te pasa una vez
pero de verdad
Amar es cuando solo piensas
en donde estara
Amar es como un milagro
dificil de explicar
Amar es cuando la proteges
de la lluvia y el viento
Amar es cuando tu la abrazas
y te olvidas del tiemp
Amar es cuando tu la ves
y te pones nervioso
Amar es cuando te das cuenta
de tus sentimientos

Completed translations
Engleski for loving you
Bugarski Да обичаш
Srpski Ljubav
10Source language10
Rumunski Armata romană era o maşină de război, cu o...
Armata romană era o maşină de război, cu o structură complexă, mobilitate, arme, ierarhie şi tactici pe care le-a avut Imperiul. Ea a realizat procesul de romanizare, armata a realizat puterea mondială a Romei.
acesta trebuie scris in limba franceza. Multumesc Dana

Completed translations
Engleski The roman army was a war machine
Francuski L'armée romaine était une machine de guerre
Source language
Italijanski museo2
Si era quindi provveduto ad analizzare e ricercare la quantità e la qualità dei locali da destinare a quanto richiesto per la costruzione di un museo moderno e funzionante .
Nel 1981 prese inizio l'attività di esposizione del Museo.

Completed translations
Engleski museum 2
Source language
Turski 2007 Fuari
2007 Frankfurt fuarinda yapmis oldugumuz kisa görüsmeden yola cikarak size talep etmis oldugunuz hotel fiyat listesini gönderiyorum.
Iyi Hotellerde yerinizi alabilmek icin, bize lütfen mümkün oldugu kadar erken reservation kararinizi bildirin.
Sirketimize göstermis oldugunuz ilgi ve güvenden dolayi tesekkürlerimizi sunariz.

Completed translations
Engleski Edit - 2007 Convention
Source language
Turski Sözlük...
Bu sana yolladığım yazı dün sen bana sözlük sitelerini yollarken içlerden bulduğum bir tanesinin yani cucumis tercüme sitesinin dün sana yazmak istediğim şeyi ben bu siteye yazdım çevirisi ve bana bu çeviri daha yeni geldiği için şimdi dünkü konumuza çevap verebildim ançak.

Completed translations
Engleski Dictionary ...
Source language
Turski İlknur'un bayramı
Bayramın ilk günü her bayram olduğu gibi sevinçliydim.Bayramın 1. günü duygularla dolu idi.Bayramın 2. günü erkenden kalktım.Biraz test çözdüm,kahvaltımı ettim.Misefirler,birbirlerini ziyaret ediyordu.d-Diğer günlerde benzer geçti.Sanırım artık ilk günün heyecenı yerini normal duygulara bırakmıştı.Ağırlıklı olarak çalıştığım dersler arasında matemetik ve fen öncelikteydi.Öğretmen ve arkadaşlarıma yarın kavuşacaktım.Bir bayramı daha geride bırakmıştım.Umut ederim her bayramım böyle geçsin
Lisedede kardeşimin dönem ödevi mutlaka yarın bitmeli imiş.Yrdımcı olursanız sevinirim.Hemen 2 saat içinde olsa çok iyi olur

Completed translations
Engleski Ä°lknur's holiday
10Source language10
Engleski from a girl thinking of you, because i love you!
from a girl thinking of you, because i love you!
its just to and a letter to my boyfriend, to let him know i think about him every day and to tell him that i love him...

Completed translations
Rumunski de la o fată care se gândeşte la tine, pentru că te iubesc!
Source language
Engleski I sent the payment in accordance with the...
I sent the payment in accordance with the order.I'mexpecting your answer.

Completed translations
Italijanski Il pagamento e stato inviato conformemente all'...
Source language
Engleski Other negatives include the small viewfinder...
Other negatives include the small viewfinder which can make it difficult to visualize focus distance, and the not-so-instant-startup (1.7 sec power on).

Completed translations
Italijanski Tra gli altri difetti, il mirino piccolo
Source language
Engleski Create an online-quiz. Send it to your friends....
Create an online-quiz. Send it to your friends. Let them answer your questions. See the results.
online-quiz = trivia game

Completed translations
Italijanski Crea un quiz online. Invialo ai tuoi amici....
Spanski Creas un concurso online. Lo envías a tus amigos...
Source language
Engleski Don't hesitate to post a message
Please don't hesitate to post a message below to give us more details about your opinion.

Completed translations
Holandski Twijfel niet om een bericht te sturen
Arapski لا تتردد في ارسال الرسالة
Portugalski Não hesita a escrever uma mensagem
Nemacki Zögern Sie nicht, eine Nachricht zu senden
Srpski Nemojte se ustrucavati da posaljete poruku
Italijanski Non esitare ad inviare un messaggio
Esperanto Ne hezitu poŝti mesaĝon
Danski Skriv gerne en meddelelse
Turski Mesaj göndermeye çekinmeyin
Grcki Παρακαλώ μη διστάσετε να στείλετε μύνημα
Kineski pojednostavljeni 尽量多留言
Portugalski brazilski Não hesite a enviar uma mensagem
Rumunski nu ezitaţi să scrieţi un mesaj
Ruski Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь
Ukrajinski Будь ласка, не вагайтесь
Kineski 歡迎留言
Katalonski No dubtis a escriure un missatge
Spanski No dudes en publicar un mensaje
Bugarski Не се колебайте да оставите съобщение
Finski Älä epäröi lähettää viestiä
Farski jezik Vinarliga ikki bíða við at senda eini boð
Francuski N'hésitez pas à poster un message
Madjarski Kérem, ne tétovázzon postázni egy üzenetet
Hrvatski Ne ustručavajte se poslati poruku
Svedski Skriv gärna ett meddelande
Albanski Mos nguroni te postoni nje mesazh
Hebrejski אנא אל תהסס להגיב למטה
Češki Nebojte se napsat zprávu
Poljski Prosimy się nie wahać, i dodać wiadomość
Japanski あなたの意見をより詳しく私たちに投稿して下さいますようお願いします。
Litvanski nedvejoti
Makedonski Не се колебајте да испратите порака
Bosanski Nemojte se ustrucavati da posaljete poruku
Norveski Ikke vent med å send en beskjed
Estonski Ärge kõhelge sõnumit postitada
Latinski Non dubita nuntium mittere
Bretonski Na argredit ket da bostiñ ur gemenadenn
Korejski 메세지를 남기는 것을 주저하지 말아주세요
Frizijski beed, tüger nich uns een nahricht to geven
Slovacki Neváhajte napísať správu
Klingonski jezik QIn yIqonvIpQo'.
Islandski Hikaðu ekki við að setja inn skilaboð
Farsi-Persijski jezik پیام بفرستید
Kurdski jezik Li xwe meheyîre ji bo maneyekî bişînî
Indonezijski Janganlah ragu untuk mencantumkan pesan
Tagalog Huwag mag-atubiling maglagay ng mensahe.
Letonski Lūdzu nekautrējieties nosūtīt mums ziņojumu, lai sniegtu vairāk detaļu par Jūsu viedokli.
Gruzijski ნუ მოგერიდებათ შეტყობინების გამოგზავნის
Afrikaans Moet asb nie huiwer om 'n boodskap te plaas nie
Irski Ná bíodh aon bhac ar teachtaireacht a chur
Tajlandski อย่าลังเลที่จะโพสต์ข้อความ
Vijetnamski Đừng ngần ngại để gửi tin nhắn.
Azerbajdzanski bize yazmağdan utanmayın
Source language
Arapski اغتصاب
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Engleski rape
Esperanto stupro
10Source language10
Arapski اسمي محمد وانا ادرس في الثانوية العامة,سوف اكمل...
اسمي محمد وانا ادرس في الثانوية العامة,سوف اكمل دراستي لكي اصبح اللاعب الأول في المنتخب السعودي, وسوف احصل على جائزة أفضل لاعب في آسيا.

Completed translations
Engleski I'm Muhammad, a secondary school student, I will finish...
Rumunski Sunt Muhammad
Francuski Je m'appelle Mohammed...
10Source language10
Engleski Happy new year 2007!
A long time since my last post!
There is so much to tell! I will try to do it as quick as possible.

A [url=]nice article[/url] about cucumis was written by Mickael Arrington founder of the famous techcrunch blog reviewing the new web 2.0 products. Despite the article was quite incomplete about what we are doing here, it was very useful to reveal Cucumis to the entire world. Hundreds of blog articles were posted after this article, Cucumis was even featured on Finnish and French television. I've read many of those articles (those I can understand) and I was very pleased to see that most of the writers who tested the service was very satisfied by the quality of the translations we do here. Congratulations to all translators and, of course, to the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]great team of experts[/link].

Now the new features.

[b]This is new[/b] :
- Until now, cucumis was not designed for people who can't speak a foreign language. Now it is! If you can't translate anything, we give you [cid=TC_BONUSPOINTS] points every [cid=TC_BONUSDAYS] day!
- [link=u__]Who is online[/link], [link=u_st_]charts about new members every day, and country ratio[/link].
- [link=t_st_]Translation statistics[/link]. Looking at the pie chart of the translations to be evaluated, you can view the languages in which we need experts (Norwegian, Hungarian, Hindi, Swedish, Kurdish, Arabic, Korean, Albanian ...).

[b]This is very new[/b] :
All members can now add translations in their favorites. You can view the list of your favorite translations from your profile page, and there is also a [link=t_w_0_favever_]top favorite translations list[/link].

[b]This is very very new[/b] :
When the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]experts[/link] can't understand the source text of a translation, they still can evaluate the linguistic form of the translation but they can't for the meaning. Now, for the evalutations they can't do alone, they can [b]ask for the opinion of all members[/b]. According to the informations of your profile, you will be asked now and then to give your opinion on some translations. After collecting enough votes to make up ones mind, the translation is accepted or rejected.

Bye and happy new year to all of you!

Completed translations
Francuski Bonne année 2007!
Rumunski La Mulţi Ani pentru 2007!
Grcki Ευτυχισμένο το 2007!
Portugalski brazilski Feliz ano novo de 2007!
Nemacki Frohes Neues Jahr 2007!
Kineski pojednostavljeni 猪年哼哼!
Spanski ¡Feliz año 2007!
Arapski عام جديد سعيد 2007!
Italijanski Buon 2007!
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