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Original text - Makedonski - Нате, овие слики имаат скриена порака...

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Нате, овие слики имаат скриена порака...
Text to be translated
Submitted by macedonia
Source language: Makedonski

Нате, овие слики имаат скриена порака, така ми се чини.

да, болна сум, ми се спие.
Edited by liria - 26 March 2012 22:13

Last messages


26 March 2012 19:40

Number of messages: 1524
Hi liria

could you please check this request?

CC: liria

26 March 2012 22:20

Number of messages: 210
Hi Bamsa,
this text is Macedonian,

here is the English bridge, if you need it:

Nate, these pictures have a hidden masseag, I think they have (just seems to me).
Yes, I am sick, I need to sleep.

CC: Bamsa

27 March 2012 00:36

Number of messages: 1524
Thanks liria

31 March 2012 02:08

cris shehab
Number of messages: 3
Nate, queste immagini hanno un messaggio nascosto, così pare.

Sì, sto male, dormo.

8 May 2012 16:54

Number of messages: 1538
Hi liria!

I need your opinion... The last line was translated into Italian as: "Sì, sono malata, ho sonno", which literally means "Yes, I am sick, I feel sleepy". Does it match the meaning? Or it should be "...I need to sleep" in any case?

Thank you

9 May 2012 20:45

Number of messages: 210
Hi Alexfatt,
I think you can use "I feel sleepy" too. It match the meaning.
I feel sleepy, I have to sleep, I need to sleep... don't have so much deference between, (in Macedonian..)

9 May 2012 21:01

Number of messages: 1538
I see. Thanks