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Source language
English Some scientists have predicted that healty adults...
Some scientists have predicted that healty adults and children may one day take drugs to improve their intelligence and intellectual performance.

Completed translations
Lithuanian Vertimas: Some scientists have predicted that healty adults...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Urdu teri maa nahi hai kya be
teri maa nahi hai kya be

Completed translations
English Don't you have a mother?
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish Nasil oluyor
Nasıl oluyor zaman bir türlü geçmezken, yıllar hayatlar geçiyor

Before edit : "Nasil oluyor zaman birturlu gecmezken, yillar hayatlar gecior" (04/30/francky, thanks to Sunnybebek)

Completed translations
English How come
Portuguese brazilian Como pode
40Source language40
Spanish La Novia. Blanca y radiante va la novia le...
La Novia.

Blanca y radiante va la novia.
Le sigue atrás un novio amante
y que al unir sus corazones
harán morir mis ilusiones.

Ante el altar está llorando
todos dirán que es de alegría,
dentro su alma está gritando:
Ave Maria.

Mentirá también al decir que sí.
Y al besar la cruz pedirá perdón.
Yo sé que olvidar nunca podría
que era yo, no aquel, a quien quería.
tai yra roko balade, atrodo kad kurinys susies su baznycia, altorium, sv. Marija ar kazkas panasaus.
jei yra galimybe, noreciua gaut ir zodziu tarima.

Text corrected and edited, before:

"La Novia.
Blancay radiante va la novia le siqueatras un novioamante y que unir sus corazones ha ranmorir mis ilusiones. Anteel altar esta llorando todos diran queesdealegria dentro su almaesta grira. Ave Maria. Mentira tambien al decir que si. Yal besar la cruz pedina perdon yo se queolvidar nunca podria queera yo. No aquel, a quien queria."

Completed translations
Lithuanian Nuotaka
Source language
Turkish Bende sizi tanımak isterim.Tabi sizde...
Bende sizi tanımak isterim.Tabi sizde isterseniz.Tekrar görüşmek dileğiyle.
Farklı bir ülkeden biriyle e-posta ile yazışıyorum.Kendimi tanıttım.Ama onun kendisini tanıtmasını istiyorum.Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

Completed translations
English I would like to know you as well,
Source language
Turkish selam arkadaşım ya bu aralar şu domuz gribi...
selam arkadaşım ya bu aralar şu domuz gribi kafamı karıştırdı. Gazetelerden okuduğuma göre sizin ülkenizdede vakalar görülmüş lütfen kendine dikkat et.. Sana bişey olmasını istemem çünkü.. Seni çok seviyorum arkadaşım kendine iyi bak..
bunu çevirin lütfen benim için önemli :$

Completed translations
English Hi my friend, the swine flu...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Maķedoniski hey sweety vcera mi padna net pa zato ...
hey sweety vcera mi padna net pa zato bez pozdrav zaminav ama zato sega imas edno ZDRAVO od mene !!!! hahhaa pozdrav sweety se citkame !!!

Completed translations
English Hey sweetie, last night my internet ...
Arabic مرحى يا عسل, الليله الماضية انقطع ...
14Source language14
Turkish Zaman hiç değişmeyen temposuyla suskunlukları
Zaman hiç değişmeyen temposuyla suskunlukları taşırken yalnızlığa bilmeni istiyorum yaşamla ölüm arasındaki tek fark sensin.

Completed translations
English While time carries the silences into the solitude with its never changing beat
Russian Время
Source language
Arabic بحبك
لا ادري ماذا أقول ولكني أحبك

Completed translations
Hebrew אוהב/ת אותך
English I don't know what to say, but I love ...
Source language
French Témoin d'anomalie de ...
Témoin d'anomalie de fonctionnement

Version essence

En roulant, si le témoin 2 clignote en decélération ou au ralenti, cela indique une anomalie de fonctionnement dans le système

Completed translations
Lithuanian Sutrikusio veikimo indikatorius...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English A note that you authorize the purchase of games...
A note that you authorize the purchase of games in the accounts you have indicated.

Completed translations
Lithuanian Pastaba, jog Jūs įgaliojate pirkti žaidimus...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Russian Какие поводки? Очень частый вопрос, задаваемый...
Какие поводки?
Очень частый вопрос, задаваемый на форуме - использовать ли капроновые или плетеные поводки, и какой вид оснастки лучший. Я попробую дать вам идею того, что и когда использовать.
Существуют четыре основные вида поводкового материала:
Плетенка / Многожильная нить
В идеальном мире это был бы мой главный выбор. Достаточно малый диаметр и очень гибкий материал позволяет такому поводку вести себя наиболее реально на дне водоема.

Completed translations
Lithuanian Kokie pavadėliai? Labai dažnas forumuose pateikiamas...
Source language
Swedish På grund av slitage bör bromsarna regleras regelbundet.
På grund av slitage bör bromsarna regleras regelbundet.
Original before edits: Pa grund av slitage bor bromsarna regleras regelbunded.

Completed translations
Lithuanian Del susidevejimo reikia stabzius reguliuoti(tikrinti)pastoviai
Source language
English A hundred days have made me older Since the...
A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

Completed translations
Lithuanian Šimtas dienų padarė mane senesniu...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Spanish eres una de las mas lindas personas q conozco,...
eres una de las mas lindas personas q conozco, por eso te quiero mucho!!
q : sms style => "meaning only" please

Completed translations
Italian sei una delle persone più carine che conosco,...
Portuguese brazilian Você é uma das pessoas mais lindas que conheço...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Oi, não estou te escrevendo para ...
Oi, não estou te escrevendo para pedir desculpas, vim te dizer que é a sua falta que me leva a fazer coisas malucas e que você é muito especial pra mim. Apesar de tudo o que faço e sou, a minha conciência está limpa, não quero te magoar e nem me magoar também. Estou segura daquilo que eu quero. Beijos e boa noite.
Text corrected/diacritics edited <Lilian>

Completed translations
Italian Ciao, non ti scrivo per...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English In our view the Inception Mission has been...
In our view the Inception Mission has been extremely fruitful. The different meetings organised have allowed us to get an updated picture of the situation in Turkey and the current role of TEDAÅž in Distribution Planning now and the potential role of TEDAÅž in the future (again this latter point is discussed later in this section).

Completed translations
Turkish Bizim gozumuzde inception gorevi......
Source language
Lithuanian labas zuikuti labai taves pasiilgau noriu...
labas zuikuti
labai taves pasiilgau noriu pamatyti va siunciu tau numeri 07971785076 turbut atvaziuosiu pirmadieni siunciu tau pinigu

Completed translations
Russian Привет зайчик,
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese Olá Lukinha, mando-te/mandamos-te abraços...
Olá Lukinha, mando-te/mandamos-te abraços bem fortes.
Olá família, como estão aí as coisas? Espero que boas.
Olá, agora acredito que era ela na foto. Não a reconhecia.
Suemy e família.

Completed translations
German Hallo Lukinha, ich schicke dir/wir schicken dir eine große Umarmung.
Russian Привет Лукиня, обнимаю тебя/обнимаем тебя крепко...
Ukrainiski Привіт Лукіня
Source language
Lithuanian Kurva - vienuma
Sėdžiu aš vienišas ir žiūriu pro vienišą langą
Kaip vieniši lapai man šoka man vienišą tango
Ir vis ilgiuos tų šiltų akimirkų, kurios jau neaplanko

Completed translations
Russian одиночество
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