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Translation - English-French - I'm thinking about you

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SerbianEnglishFrench

Category Letter / Email - Recreation / Travel

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
I'm thinking about you
Submitted by occitaniste
Source language: English Translated by zciric

I'm thinking about you a lot, and I miss you. Came quickly to talk all night, as is usual when we are together! I have a lot to tell you and I am impatiently waiting to see you! Now, you must go to the internet to ask for the translation!

Je pense à toi

Translated by Okal
Target language: French

Je pense beaucoup à toi et tu me manques. Viens vite pour que nous discutions toute la nuit, comme nous en avons l'habitude lorsque nous sommes ensemble! J'ai beaucoup de choses à te raconter et j'attends avec impatience de te voir!
Maintenant, il faut que tu ailles sur internet pour demander la traduction!
Remarks about the translation
"Came", j'ai lu "Come"
Validated by Botica - 1 February 2008 07:43