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Translation - English-Swedish - In good times and in bad times, in ...

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Category Speech

In good times and in bad times, in ...
Submitted by besiktas35
Source language: English Translated by handyy

In good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health... the love of Mehmet Aslantug and Arzum Onan. Here is a love that justifies that cliche.

I goda och dåliga tider

Translated by Piagabriella
Target language: Swedish

I goda tider och dåliga tider, i sjukdom och i hälsa... Mehmet Aslantugs och Arzum Onans kärlek. Här finns en kärlek som rättfärdigar den klichén.
Validated by pias - 5 February 2010 07:59