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20 Мова оригіналу MACACO CANETA ESTOJO MACACO CANETA ESTOJO <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.
Завершені переклади Monkey Pen Set | |
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170 Мова оригіналу le mie vacanze 2006 la scuola è finita il 10 giugno scorso.
quando è finita la scuola la prima cosa che ho fatto è stata quella di andare al mare e rilassarmi per qualche giorno.
le mie vacanze sono durate circa tre mesi.
Завершені переклади My 2006 holidays | |
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229 Мова оригіналу Take care I have you now also on msn! Then i can learn you english oke?
How is it with you?
It was nice to see you on the cam. I miss you so much, you are so friendly and nice and i like you very much. We meet eachother on msn oke? Take care and take care of my Serif also. Завершені переклади Kendine iyi bak | |
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