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16翻译 - 德语-英语 - Aus Sicht des Allgemeinen Sozialdienstes im Amt...

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Aus Sicht des Allgemeinen Sozialdienstes im Amt...
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源语言: 德语

Aus Sicht des Allgemeinen Sozialdienstes im Amt für Kinder, Jugend und Familie der Stadt ist es im Interesse des Kindeswohls sinnvoll, Frau Stella die alleinige elterliche Sorge für ihre Tochter zu übertragen. Die von Herrn vorgebrachten massiven Einwände gegen die Erziehungseignung der Mutter (mangelhafte Gesundheitsfürsorge) haben mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit und nach der Überzeugung des Allgemeinen Sozialdienstes keine reale Grundlage.

give child to mother, objections baseless

翻译 Una Smith
目的语言: 英语

From the perspective of the General Social Service in the municipal Office for Children, Youth and Family, it is significantly in the interest of child welfare to grant Mrs. Stella sole custody of her daughter. The massive objections brought by the gentleman against the parental fitness of the mother (inadequate attention to health) in all probability and in the conviction of the General Social Service have no material basis.
Translation from German to (American) English. "Sole custody" is an idiom; I think "alleinige elterliche Sorge" could also be translated as "exclusive parental rights", which is not exactly the same as sole custody. "Ihre" can also be translated "their".
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2008年 十月 1日 19:19



2008年 九月 30日 20:28

文章总计: 2
poniewaz jest troche bez sensu napisane

2008年 九月 30日 22:47

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972

Could you please post your comments in English?

2008年 九月 30日 22:47

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972

CC: nika1989

2008年 十月 1日 00:28

文章总计: 330
- sinnvoll: sensible
- ihre: her (?) (I have the idea the text is written from the perspective of one party, and not both of the parents)
- 'Herrn' is definitely plural: gentlemen
- Erziehungseignung: parenting fitness (I miss the translation of 'Erziehung' here)
- Gesundheitsfürsorge: health care
- the massive objections have

2008年 十月 1日 05:12

Una Smith
文章总计: 429
- sinnvoll: meaningful, hence significant
- ihre: perhaps a typo (ihr would yield "her daughter", but if the gentleman is the father then ihre, their daughter, makes sense
- Herrn not Herren; genitive, not plural
- Erziehungseignung: parenting, redundant in this context, is not idiomatic; parental is also redundant but more idiomatic
- Gesundheitsfürsorge: idiom again; English speakers tend to reserve "health care" for the profession; a mother does not supply health care.
- the massive objections ... have: jollyo is correct.

Jollyo, thanks for your copyedit queries. I will make the changes.

2008年 十月 1日 05:36

Una Smith
文章总计: 429
lilian, nika1989's comment ''poniewaz jest troche bez sensu napisane'' literally is ''because it is a little without sense written''.

Jollyo, I have made corrections per your comments.

CC: lilian canale nika1989 jollyo

2008年 十月 1日 10:27

文章总计: 330
'ihre Tochter' cannot be a typo.
If translated to 'her daugther' or 'their daugther', both would be 'ihre Tochter'.
I still think in the context of this text (the perspective of the mother being granted custody or not) it should be HER.

Herrn vs. Herren... OOPS. Of course you're right here

2008年 十月 1日 17:24

Una Smith
文章总计: 429
Okay, her daughter. Jollyo, are you satisfied? If so, I think this translation can be validated.

2008年 十月 3日 00:01

文章总计: 330
Thanks for the adjustment.
The text 'sounds' good to me.