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原始文本 - 英语 - Auto-reply email

本文可用以下语言: 英语丹麦语瑞典语挪威语捷克语希腊语匈牙利语

讨论区 信函 / 电子邮件 - 商务 / 工作

Auto-reply email
提交 tarzhig
源语言: 英语

I'm currently away until XXX. I will get back to you upon my return.
For an auto-reply work email. "XXX" is the date.
The translation should be a standard message for when one is away (on holidays, etc.), not literally what is written here but adapted to sound the most natural and casual.
"I'm away", "not available", "absent", "out of the office", whichever sounds the most natural in each language.
(French: "Je suis actuallement absent jusqu'au XXX, et vous recontacterai à mon retour.")
Also Gàlidhlig if possible
2012年 十月 7日 10:13