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翻訳 - 英語 -セルビア語 - Did you arrive well back to ...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: 英語 セルビア語

カテゴリ 愛 / 友情

Did you arrive well back to ...
原稿の言語: 英語

Did you arrive well back to beligrad?
I must say that you were the most beautiful girl on the evening and not only! Nice smile and very charming eyes. Just wonderful!
When you were singing with the choir, I was watching from the top level at the back so i couldn’t see clearly at the stage. I noticed you only when you stand up and sung in the restaurant and I must admit that I couldn’t take my eyes from you! It would have been so nice if you had stayed 1 day more!
Waiting for your news soon
serbian language

Da li si se dobro vratila...

翻訳の言語: セルビア語

Da li si se dobro vratila u Beograd?
Moram da kažem da si bila najlepša devojka one večeri i ne samo to! Ljubak osmeh i veoma zanosne oči. Jednostavno divno!
Dok si pevala sa horom ja sam sa gornjeg nivoa gledao iz pozadine, tako da nisam mogao jasno da vidim binu. Primetio sam te tek kad si ustala i pevala u restoranu i moram da priznam da nisam mogao da odvojim oči od tebe! Bilo bi tako lepo da si ostala još jedan dan!
Očekujem uskoro novosti od tebe.
最終承認・編集者 Roller-Coaster - 2008年 11月 18日 23:10