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翻訳 - トルコ語-英語 - 19. yüzyılın sonlarına doÄŸru sentetik boyaların...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: トルコ語英語

カテゴリ 教育

19. yüzyılın sonlarına doğru sentetik boyaların...
原稿の言語: トルコ語

19. yüzyılın sonlarına doğru sentetik boyaların sentezleri ve kullanımı ile kalite düşmüş fakat maliyet azaldığı için sentetik boyalar çok yaygın bir şekilde alıcı bulmuş ve bunun sonucu olarak doğal boyaların kullanımı git gide azalıp ortadan kalkma noktasına gelmiştir. Ancak sentetik boyarmaddelerin birçoğundaki toksik maddeler ve bunların insan sağlına ve çevreye olan olumsuz etkisi doğal boyaların kullanımını tekrar gündeme getirmiştir.
ingiliz lehçesiyle çeviri

The quality of paint has decreased ...

翻訳の言語: 英語

Towards the end of nineteenth century, with the syntheses and use of synthetic paints, the quality has decreased. Nevertheless, synthetic paint has seen a very widespread demand on the market due to its low cost, and as a consequence the use of natural paint has continued to decrease almost to zero. However, using natural paint has appeared to become an option again because of the toxic components found in synthetic paint pigments and the effects of those components on human health and the environment.
最終承認・編集者 Lein - 2011年 7月 25日 12:38



2011年 6月 28日 15:17

投稿数: 3389
Hi snm1301

The translation is looking good! I have set a poll to get other people's input before I accept it. I have made some small corrections to make the text sound better in English, but I don't think I changed the meaning in any way.
Here is your original translation:

The quality of paint has decreased which caused by usage and synthesis of synthetic paint towards the end of nineteenth century. However synthetic paint has been demanded well widespread on the market for its low cost and therefore the usage of natural paint has been continuosly dropped and come to the vanishing point. However using the natural paint has appeared to become an option again because of the toxic components found in synthetic paint pigments and the side affects of those components on human health and the environment.

2011年 6月 28日 17:09

投稿数: 3769 the development and use of synthetic paint towards ...> the development and use of synthesis of synthetic paint towards

... components found in synthetic paint pigments and the side affects of those components...> ...components found in the many of synthetic paints and the side affects of those

2011年 7月 8日 03:37

投稿数: 16

2011年 7月 17日 22:17

投稿数: 878
development should be replaced by syntheses

before 'Because' there should be 'however'

to make it look nice: the second 'however' may be replaced by 'yet'

That's all

2011年 7月 18日 17:17

投稿数: 3389
I don't doubt this is what the Turkish text says, but I wonder if your suggested changes make the translation better. Chantal and snm1301, please help me out! (Note to snm1301: these are not criticisms, just suggestions; please let us know what you think!)

'The synthesis of synthetic paints' sounds very stiff. Even if 'development' is not in the Turkish text, it seems to me that it can be used here to represent the meaning of the text, so I would be inclined to keep it.

When reading the first two sentences, with and without 'however', the addition of the word 'however' makes the text less logic.

It is entirely possible I miss something you see, Chantal! If so, please let me know

2011年 7月 18日 22:47

投稿数: 878
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, together with the syntheses of synthetic paint and its use the quality (of the paint? It doesn't really say which quality has decrased) has decreased.

It sounds a bit odd to me as well, but this is really what it says . There's no such word as 'development' in the original..

Instead of however:

But since the costs have become less, synthetic paint has seen a strong demand on the market, and as a result the use natural paint has continued to decrease to almost zero.

So apparently it tries to say that although synthetic paint isn't of good quality, due to its low costs there is a high demand and therefore natural paint is hardly used anymore..

2011年 7月 23日 15:32

投稿数: 1331
Towards the end of nineteenth century, with the syntheses and use of synthetic paints, the quality has decreased. Yet, synthetic paint has found a buyer very extensively because of cutting cost and as a consequence, the use of natural paint has decreased gradually and has come to the point of disappearance. However, the toxic substances in most of synthetic pigments and the negative effect on human health and the environment of these have put the use of naturel paint on the agenda again.

2011年 7月 25日 12:38

投稿数: 3389
Thanks Chantal and rollingmaster
I have tried to combine your suggestions and the original text. Do let me know if there is still something 'wrong' with the translation!