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翻訳 - 英語 -ラトビア語 - Azerbaijani現状 翻訳
| Need context as various translations possible | | 翻訳の言語: ラトビア語
AzerbaidžÄniete | | None of these is to start with capital letter in not at the beginning of the sentence. 1) In the translation provided - it is nationality of woman. The following translations are possible: 2) AzerbaidžÄnis 3) AzerbaidžÄņi 4) AzerbaidžÄņu valoda
2) (nationality of man) 3) (nationality of women and men in plural) 4) ('Azerbaijani' as language)
最終承認・編集者 Neko - 2008年 8月 27日 12:26
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